"Young lady, someone is fighting dance in front of you."

  The driver reached out his hand and wiped his cold sweat, his voice raised unconsciously because of shock.


  Qin Youxuan was also stunned.

  This is the main road, who would fight dance in such a place?

  Pressing the car window, Qin Youxuan looked out the window in confusion.

  Looking down on the open space beside the highway, he understood what was going on.

  Close to the ring road, there is an activity area. Usually, many people dance square dances or perform magic tricks here, which is a normal activity.

  But today is a group of young people who dance the most eye-catching hot dance nowadays.

  The weather is hot, and the men and women on the street wear cooler clothes. Under the lights, it is especially attractive.

  This kind of show attracted a large crowd of onlookers at once.

  The enthusiasm of fighting and dancing in the front is surging, but the road here is blocked.

   "It looks like it should take a while before it ends. I don't know if there will be a traffic police in charge, grandma, do you want to change lanes?" the driver respectfully asked.

   After thinking for a while, he added, “But if you take a detour, you will be one hour late to return to the villa.”

  The most important thing is that this road belongs to the main road and is monitored along the way. If you change lanes, you can only change to a small lane. In case of danger, the consequences will be disastrous.

   "No need to change."

  Qin Youxuan's cat blinked for a moment and looked at the square not far away.

  His eyes fell on the few people standing on the high platform, and they squinted slightly.

  In China, it is rare to see such free and casual dance.

  Not to mention the crowd of onlookers, if it wasn't because she was pregnant, she would also like to see in the crowd.

  The man leading the dancer in the middle seems to be born with a halo that makes people worship.

   Standing there, people can’t help but bet their eyes on him. Every action is wild and smart, smooth and with an indescribable beauty...

  Qin Youxuan has a wild temper, Qin Mo didn't force her to learn anything. On the contrary, Jiang Yu had enrolled her in a ballet class when she was a child, and she secretly dropped it.

  She doesn't like it, so no one will force her.

  Later, during the rebellious youth period, I found it cool to see people dancing on the street, so I took the initiative to learn for a while.

  It has been a long time since she has seen such a vibrant dance.

  I watched for a while and saw that the dance was still going on, but the time was approaching half past ten.

  If she doesn't go back, Shan Hanjie will definitely be worried.

  Qin Youxuan pulled out the phone from her bag, unlocked it, and then quickly tapped the alarm call.

   "...Yes, it's at No. **** on **** Road. There are people fighting and dancing here, which seriously hinders traffic."

  After hanging up the phone, Qin Youxuan slowly put her hand in her bag.

  Glanced at the excitement on the stage one last time, curled up the cat’s eyes, and closed the window of the car.

   Soon, traffic police arrived.

   dispelled the onlookers and ordered the suspension of fighting dance.

  Because the dancers did not occupy the road, the police only asked the reason and left.

  The road was soon cleared.

  Qin Youxuan's car drove steadily onto the road again, toward the direction of the private villa.

   "Young grandma is so smart that she would actually think of calling the police." Thinking of the scene just now, the driver couldn't help but smile.


  Qin Youxuan just laughed, but did not answer.

  She is not smart, she is too bad, she can watch if she wants to, and call the police if she doesn’t want to.

  As soon as we drove out for a while, the driver watched vigilantly in the rearview mirror and saw several cars chasing up, "Mother, there seems to be something wrong, someone is following us."


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