"The check you wrote?"

   Ye Zhanxing heard her say this, his eyes became deep, and he stepped forward and glanced at the copy of the check in Qin Youxuan's hand.

  A check for one million, the handwriting is very beautiful, you can see that it is a girl's handwriting.

  And Qin Youxuan also said about the check she wrote.

"Dad, I wrote this check last night. After I left the hospital yesterday, I had a small accident. After spending money, I wrote this check. I don't know how the copy of the check was in Ye Mingmei's hands. Come on, and listening to her, I should have mistakenly thought that the money was evidence that I asked someone to investigate her life experience."

   "Who did you write the check to?"

   Ye Zhan's eyes narrowed, reflecting a dangerous light.

  He hasn't died yet, some people dare to stare at his Ye family's daughter.


  Qin Youxuan just wanted to say that Yu Xiu is accurate, and after thinking about it, she just shook her head, "It's not certain now, Shan Hanjie is investigating."

  Only relying on a picture drawn in her memory can only give them a bottom line. They are not sure whether the man is correct or not.

  The sky is too dark. Except for the men's dangerous eyes, Qin Youxuan has reserved opinions for the time being.

   "I will let people pay attention, since Shan Hanjie already knows, then you don't need to worry about it and wait for delivery." Ye Zhanxing's eyes narrowed, and a touch of sharpness slipped through his eyes.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan’s belly, her face turned loving again, she reached out and patted her head.

  If possible, he only wants his baby daughter to be happy for a lifetime.

   "It's only more than six months, and it's still early. Why are you as anxious as Shan Hanjie, wishing I would give birth tomorrow."


   Ye Zhanxing laughed heartily when she saw her with a broken face.

  Whether a person is really happy, just look at her eyes to know.

  Qin Youxuan has an independent personality and has his own ideas in doing things, but now he is more and more like a child.

Needless to say, Ye Zhanxing knew that it was because of Shan Hanjie's favor.

  The man sheltered her from wind and rain, giving her a peaceful world.

  As a father, what he is worried about is going on like this. If one day, Shan Hanjie’s favor is gone, what should his baby girl do?

   "Dad, what are you thinking, I have no response to several calls to you."

   "It's nothing, your Aunt Ru went out to chase Mingmei and don't know if she has caught it. I just happened to be discharged from the hospital, let's go out together." Ye Zhanxing said.

  Stepped towards the ward.

  The anger returned to anger, and when the anger disappeared, he still worried about Ye Mingmei's safety.

  She is a spoiled eldest lady, where can she go after leaving home.

  Qin Youxuan heard so much of him, only to remember that Su Yiru had been chasing after him for a while, but had not seen anyone come back.

   ordered the bodyguards to bring the luggage, and she followed Ye Zhanxing out of the ward.

  As soon as I got out of the hospital building, I saw Su Yiru standing desperately outside the gate of the hospital.

   "Aunt Ru."

  Qin Youxuan couldn't walk fast, and Ye Zhanxing also couldn't exercise vigorously. Both father and daughter walked out slowly.

   Hearing Qin Youxuan’s voice, Su Yiru turned her head and walked towards them quickly.

   "Mingmei didn't know where she was going, she was gone when I chased it out, and the whole hospital was searched, but she hasn't been found until now."

  Su Yiru's eyes were red, and she knew she had cried.

  Not long after Ye Mingmei was born, she was adopted and raised.

  A milk doll of less than a month, she worked hard to develop a big girl, Su Yiru really regarded her as his biological daughter.

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