365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1071: Give others a chance to come in

   "That's something Jiang Jinchen should pay attention to, and it has nothing to do with you." Shan Hanjie interrupted her, seeing that she cared about Ning Yanan so much, the coquettish Zitong flashed a dangerous light.

   "Jiang Jinchen is my cousin, do I care about Yaya, do I also care about him." Qin Youxuan straightened her neck to defend herself.

  Can't admit counseling at this time, once you acknowledge counseling, Shan Hanjie will even prevent her from asking about Yaya in the future.

  "This is not the point. Jiang Haoyan has been looking for Jiang Jinchen. Now people have found the United States. Jiang Jinchen doesn't want to run, because he wants to be arrested and sent to prison for a lifetime?"

  Qin Youxuan was in a hurry.

  She doesn't care how long Jiang Jinchen will be detained, but what about Ning Yanan as soon as Jiang Jinchen is detained?

  They just lost a child, and the knots of each other have not been opened up. At this time, separation is not equivalent to giving others a chance to come in?

  She has heard that the person who partnered with Ning Yanan is an internationally famous police inspector. The most important thing is that the man is interested in Ning Yanan.

  Although Qin Youxuan didn't wait to see Jiang Jinchen much, they still knew the bottom line. They all knew what Jiang Jinchen thought about Ning Yanan.

  Otherwise, as soon as she heard that Ning Yanan was in danger, she would ran away from the wedding scene, regardless of the face of the Jiang family.

   "Where is Jiang Haoyan?"

  Dan Hanjie raised his eyebrows and glanced at her when he heard her.

   "I have already gone to the apartment where the Third Young Master is in. It seems that I knew the place of the Third Young Master early in the morning, and when I arrived in the United States, I went straight to it. If it weren't for our people who have always been at the airport, I am afraid they would not have time to find out."

   "Jiang Jinchen notified him to come."

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and his lips opened coldly.

  "Who did you say?" Qin Youxuan blinked her cat's eyes in surprise, thinking that she had misheard.

"How much Jiang Jinchen can hide? You don't know. We have all received the news of Jiang Haoyan's arrival in the United States. It is impossible for Jiang Jinchen to not know. He does not leave. It is not self-defeating, but at the beginning, it is the United States that he notified Jiang Haoyan to come to. , As for the purpose..."

  Dan Hanjie’s enchanting Zitong shined with cold light, and the sunlight outside the window seemed to reflect another world deeply.

"What's the purpose? Jiang Jinchen is crazy, he is like this, Jiang Haoyan will definitely take him back, besides, there is also Ya Ya, he did something wrong, Jiang Haoyan will not necessarily kill him, but Ya Ya is different Jiang Haoyan has always regarded her as a beauty and disaster, letting her go once, and she will definitely not let her go a second time."

  Qin Youxuan got up from the sofa and paced back and forth anxiously.

   suddenly turned around and went to get his mobile phone.

   "No, I have to find a way to inform Yaya so that she can hide away..."

Before Qin Youxuan's hand touched the phone, she was caught by Shan Hanjie.

   "Ning Yanan will be fine."

"You don’t understand, the Jiang family’s family concept is very heavy. If it weren’t for this, my mother wouldn’t have been forced to marry Qin Mo. Her purpose was not only to let me be born in a decent way, but also to end my life. The possibility of Jiang family marriage."

  Qin Youxuan wanted to get her mobile phone, Shan Hanjie did not let go, but held it tighter.

   "I said she will be fine."

   "Shan Hanjie..."

  "Did you forget that Ning Yanan is now a policeman. Her identity does not conflict with the interests of the Jiang family. Even if it fails to meet the Jiang family's requirements, Jiang Haoyan will not be disgusted."

  Dan Hanjie's voice is low.

  Jiang Hao Yan is a soldier. Naturally, I know that Ning Yanan, a little policeman with no background, has climbed to this position in such a short time, and his abilities cannot be underestimated.

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