365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1076: Why don't you want to see me?

  Jiang Jinchen's mind, Shan Hanjie can guess 90%.

  The only thing he couldn't guess was the Jiang family's family method.

  As far as he knows, the Jiang family's family law is extremely strict. According to Jiang Jinchen's "unfilial son" who has made Jiang's face disgraced, he may be killed by a meal in the family law.

  He would bet.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Qin Youxuan, and saw that she was anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, her thin lips hooked.

   "Ye Mingmei's whereabouts have been found."


   "If I didn't guess wrong, Ye Zhanxing shouldn't know yet." Shan Hanjie was stunned when she saw her, and he added another sentence unhurriedly.

  There are only a few people that can make Qin Youxuan concerned, and want her to temporarily forget Ning Yanan. No one is more suitable than Ye Zhanxing.

   "The apartment Ye Mingmei lives in is a private apartment owned by Yu Xiuzhun. She didn't use her ID card to live in the hotel. The Ye family went through all the hotels and couldn't find anyone."

  Shan Hanjie finally left a sentence, Qin Youxuan finally lost her breath.

   Huffed and stood up from the sofa, "Where is she now? I'll tell Dad."

"it is good."

  Dan Hanjie constricted his eyes with satisfaction, followed her to his feet, took her hand and walked outside the door.

   "The phone call is too insincere, just go to Ye's house."

  As soon as they left the villa, Shan Hanjie asked Ye Zhanxing to be notified.

   Ye Zhanxing learned of Ye Mingmei’s whereabouts, and was reluctant to wait for a minute, and rushed to Yu Xiuzun’s private apartment with someone.

   "Shan Hanjie, let's go over and take a look."

  With Yu Xiu accurate, she always feels uneasy.

  That man is like a poisonous snake. The cold bird feels terrifying. I don’t know when he will suddenly rush to bite you.

  It is only Ye Mingmei who is not afraid of death to hide from him, and is not afraid that there will be no bones left.

"it is good."

  Dan Hanjie leaned on the car mat, raised his eyebrows lazily, glanced at the person leaning in his arms, and answered casually.

   Close her eyes gently again.


   "Ding Dong——"

  The doorbell rang suddenly, and Ye Mingmei sat on the sofa and stood up in fright.

  Confirmed that it was not an illusion, he stepped forward, opened the cat's eye on the door, and looked out.

   "Why are you free to come?"

   "Why, don't you want to see me?" Brigadier Yu Xiu handed the packed meal to Ye Mingmei, and glanced at her pale face with evil eyes.

  These days, Ye Mingmei lives here alone, except for the person who delivers her meals every day, she never left.

  A person, like an old man living alone, refuses to contact anyone.

  If she didn't finish the meal every time, Yu Xiu would think she couldn't think of it.

   "No, I was just a little surprised. You have never been here."

   Ye Mingmei took the lunch box in his hand, turned around and walked over to the dining table, putting the boxes on the dining table.

   looked at Yu Xiuzun a little bit cramped, "Would you like to eat together?"

  He never showed up after asking her to be sent here.

   Ye Mingmei thought that he would not come again, who knew that Yu Xiuzhun would appear suddenly, and she was a little flustered at once.

  Don’t even dare to look directly into the man’s eyes.

   "I bought two copies."

  Yun Xiuzhun did not answer her question head-on. He threw the car key in his hand on the coffee table, took off his coat, walked to the dining table, and opened the chair to sit down.

   Raised her eyebrows, waiting for Ye Mingmei to eat together.

   "I'll get the plates and pour out the dishes."

  Ye Mingmei turned around to leave, but Yu Xiuzun grabbed her hand and opened her thin lips slightly.

   "No trouble, just eat like this, I have something to tell you after I eat."


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