365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1080: Recognizing the ancestor and returning to the ancestor

   "Who said I was jealous? I didn't."

  Qin Youxuan turned her head away, looked out the window, at the pair of father and daughter hugging each other, the cat's eyes flashed slightly.

“For me, father’s love has always been an imaginary thing. I have it now and know that my father really loves me and my mother. I am already very satisfied. Ye Mingmei has taken care of my father for so many years. Home should be her home, I have you enough."

  Qin Youxuan's pretty face took the initiative to touch the man's chest.

  The last sentence made Shan Hanjie's eyes deep, and he hugged her tightly.

   "It's enough for you to have me."

  Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan sat in the car like this, watching Ye Zhanxing carry Ye Mingmei into the car, the family of three restarted the car and drove out of the apartment.

  Until the car was completely out of sight, Qin Youxuan asked the driver to turn around and return to the villa.

  For the next more than a month, Shan Hanjie was busy collecting evidence to convict Shan Rong, and was very busy every day.

  It is hard for Qin Youxuan to see him.

  Ye Zhanxing often comes here. Every time he comes, he still carries large bags and small bags. He can't wait to bring all the good things to Qin Youxuan to replenish his body.

  Occasionally, he also brought the quarterly reports of the Yip Group to teach Qin Youxuan how to manage the company.

  I just worry that she is a pregnant woman and can't be too sad, so every time I just let her look at it for a while, I will put things away and chat with her.

  Qin Youxuan knew that he and Ye Mingmei’s father and daughter had settled their suspicions. Ye Mingmei has changed a lot now. She no longer likes to wander in high society banquets. Instead, she devotes herself to learning to take care of the company with Ye Zhanxing.

   Become very motivated.

  At this point, Ye Zhanxing is naturally very pleased.

   Although his original intention was to leave the Ye family to Qin Youxuan, but the palms and backs of the hands were all fleshy, it was impossible for him to displace Ye Mingmei.

  It is inevitable to leave some shares for Ye Mingmei, so that her life will be worry-free for the rest of her life.

  She is willing to make progress on her own, which makes Ye Zhanxing more relieved. It is not impossible for her to continue to manage the Ye family's industry in the future.

  "I have discussed with your Aunt Ru, she is willing to openly admit to me that our marriage is just a show, and formally welcome your mother's tablet into Ye's house, so that you can recognize your ancestors and return to your clan in a fair way."

   Ye Zhanxing asked his assistant to put away the report, and looked at Qin Youxuan's stomach for more than seven months, with warm eyes flashing anticipation.

  That was his grandson, the grandson he couldn't even think of in his entire life.

   "Dad, what did you say? You asked Aunt Ru to agree to disclose with you that you are not a real husband and wife, then the Su family..."

"Dad can't take care of so much anymore. I want to give your mother a position, and want you to be my daughter of Ye Zhanxing upright, not to mention that Mingmei is not my biological daughter. Someone has already found out about this matter, so let it go on. Instead, it’s passive."

   Ye Zhan thought for a moment before opening his lips faintly.

  Such a result was not his decision alone, and Su Yiru also supported it.

  But Ye Zhanxing didn’t know that Su Yiru’s support was because he knew he wanted it.

  Qin Youxuan knows this without asking.

"I disagree."

  Qin Youxuan suddenly said, her bright cat eyes slightly lifted, looking directly at Ye Zhanxing.

"Dad, my mother and I don’t care about status. What's more, my mother is no longer there. Aunt Ru has been with you for so many years. At this time, you ask her to openly admit to you that you are not a real husband and wife. It was dug up by the media, and Ye Mingmei..."

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