"Jie Shao, you are all right..."


Before   Yao's words fell, Shan Hanjie smashed the phone heavily to the ground, turned around, and punched Yao in the face.

  "Who let you call her on your own terms!"

  Shan Hanjie's rage uncontrollably grabbed the dazzling collar and a pair of enchanting pupils, which seemed to contain a wave of anger that had nowhere to vent, driving people crazy.


  Yao's mouth was full of blood, and there was no sound.

  Shan Hanjie just glanced at him, threw the person out, turned around and gave Shan Rong a fierce look, wishing to slap him with a shot, thinking of Qin Youxuan, gritted his teeth and held back.

   clenched his fist, turned around and walked away.

  As soon as I walked out of the reception room, the phone in my trouser pocket rang.

  Looking at the caller ID above, Shan Han Jiezi's pupil tightened and hung up the phone.

  Just getting in the car, Qin Youxuan's call came again.

  On the flashing mobile phone screen, the word "cat" is very glaring.

  Shan Hanjie grabbed the hand of the phone and squeezed it firmly, as if he was about to crush the phone.

  Watching the phone light up and off, off and on again.

  It wasn't until there was no movement at all that he seemed to exhaust all his energy and let go of his hand tiredly.

  Let the mobile phone fall in the car and start the car's engine, like a falling arrow, rushing out of the road.


  In a private villa.

  Qin Youxuan received a call from Yao, and she woke up all at once.

  As soon as he said a word, the call was hung up, and if I made another call, I couldn't get through.

  She tried to call Shan Hanjie’s cell phone, but she was still hung up.

When    hits the back, it becomes unanswered.

  At this time, Qin Youxuan could not sleep anymore.

   Turned over and sat up on the bed, took a thin coat and put it on, and walked downstairs.

   "Butler, find a way to help me contact Yao and see where they are now."


  The butler did not ask much, although he was puzzled, so he went to check immediately.

  Qin Youxuan hugged the water glass uncomfortably and walked back and forth in the living room.

   didn't wait for the steward to bring back the news, but waited for Yao, who hurried back.

   "Why are you alone, Shan Hanjie?"

  Qin Youxuan looked behind him a few times, but he didn't see anyone, and asked anxiously.


  Yao was also taken aback for a while, he thought Shan Hanjie would definitely come back before he would chase him.

   did not expect that Shan Hanjie did not return to the villa. When he appeared, Qin Youxuan knew that something was wrong.

   "What the **** is going on, please explain to me clearly."

  Qin Youxuan sat down on the sofa and put down the water glass, her nervous face turned pale.

Without waiting for Yao to speak, the housekeeper hurriedly walked back to the living room.

   "My grandmother, I found it, Jie Shao went to... a high-level club."


  Qin Youxuan shook her hand and knocked over the water glass directly, and the water wet the skirt and the carpet under her feet.

   looked up in disbelief, "Where did you say he went?"

  Shan Hanjie doesn’t like socializing. Since they got married, unless necessary, Shan Hanjie will never set foot in any vocal venue.

  Why went to the high-level club suddenly...

  In places like that, except for drinks, only women are left.

  No matter which one it is, it is enough to make Qin Youxuan uneasy.

   "I will find him."

  Qin Youxuan stood up from the sofa and walked out.

   "Young lady, you can't go out right now." When the housekeeper heard Qin Youxuan was going out, his eyes were almost staring, and a flash stopped in front of her.

   "The subordinates have already notified Jie Shao. Jie Shao should be back soon. Let's wait."


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