365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1090: What are you thinking, your face is blushing

"I didn't make trouble unreasonably, I was reasonable speculation, Shan Hanjie, this kind of body fragrance is not the only one that I have, Bai Wei can also create the same taste, in case you really meet someone who has the same body fragrance as me Woman..."

  Qin Youxuan did not continue to say, neither of the faces looked pretty.

"I will not do it again."

  Dan Hanjie held her face with his big hands, and gently kissed her eyebrows, "I'm so bored, I don't drink, I'm afraid I can't help but do you."

  Dan Hanjie’s big hand fell on her stomach, gritted his teeth, "I wish he would come out tomorrow."

   "Get started, don't talk nonsense, it's only been more than seven months, how can it be so fast."

   Seeing the man's expression unpleasant, Qin Youxuan continued to talk.

  She actually wanted to ask what Shan Rong told him yesterday. Yao said that he had a bad temper and then drove away alone.

  When he came back, he was already drunk.

   talked nonsense all night, and when she woke up, she continued to spoil her like an okay person.

  This kind of contrast did not give Qin Youxuan any sense of security, but amplified the anxiety to the extreme.

  He clearly has something in his heart, why should he hide it from her?

   "I asked the butler to make a hangover soup for you. Would you like to drink it?"

Qin Youxuan blinked her cat's eyes, got out of his arms, stood there, raised her eyebrows, "But I see you drank so happily last night, I guess I won’t worry about the headache, I still let the housekeeper fall. Don’t worry about it in vain."

  Qin Youxuan said, turned around and walked away.

  Just a few steps away, Shan Hanjie was wrapped around her waist.

  The arms were worn from behind to in front of her, folded on her stomach, pulled the person back, and fell directly into his strong chest.

  "My temper is getting bigger and bigger, except me, see who wants you."

   "If you don't want it, you don't have to reluctantly. I will find if there is another home. Buy one get one free, maybe someone likes it."

   "Dare you!" Shan Hanjie cursed in a low voice, the demon's face was close to her ears, and the warm breath was gushing on the side of her face, "Are you hungry, I'll eat breakfast with you."

   "It's ten o'clock, you can just prepare for lunch." Qin Youxuan still suffocated her breath and gave him a blank glance.

   "Okay, you wash it for me."

  Dan Hanjie is also a faceless and skinless person, directly ignoring the point of her words, and dragging people into the bathroom.

   "I didn't say I would help you..."

   "Shan Hanjie, you let me go..."

   "I'm still angry..."


  Qin Youxuan’s protest was directly locked in the bathroom.


  Waiting for them to get in the car, Qin Youxuan shrank directly to the side, her bright cat eyes staring at the man beside her.


  I just said that I just washed my face, and finally I washed my whole body.

  Qin Youxuan remembered what happened just now, blushed, turned her head nervously, and looked out the window.

   "What are you thinking, your face is blushing."

  Dan Hanjie's stalwart body approached her, blocking her petite body between the car door and her chest.

   Condescendingly, looking at her hot red face, jokingly said.

  The refreshing between the eyebrows is the satisfaction of one's own soul. He fished her into his arms with a big hand and squeezed her wrist for her.

   "Don't be pretending, why didn't I stop when I was tired?" Qin Youxuan just opened her mouth and caught a glimpse of the driver in the driver's seat. He stopped in a daze, and continued to stare at him.

  Want to stare out a hole in Shan Hanjie's body.

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