365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1094: Waking up in the middle of the night!

   With a muffled sound, with suppressed anger and unwillingness, Shan Hanjie's eyes became ghostly, faintly scarlet.

   "Jie Shao, think about young grandma, this matter has nothing to do with her, the fault of the previous generation should not be implicated in young grandma..."

   "Get out."

   "Jie Shao..."

   "Get out!"


  Yao didn't dare to talk too much, nodded respectfully, and quickly left the study.

  Shan Hanjie stepped on scattered papers, walked to the wall, turned off the lights, and the study instantly became dark.

  Black stretched out his hand and couldn't see his fingers.

  He sat down at the desk, the coquettish Zitong darkness seemed to be able to see everything clearly.

  The stalwart body leaned on the back of the chair, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, and lit it.

   took a deep breath.

  The smell of nicotine spreads between the lips and teeth, with a paralyzing pleasure.

  A little firelight became the only light in the darkness.

  One cigarette smoked very quickly, until it was hot to the tip of his finger, Shan Hanjie released his hand, let the cigarette **** fall to the ground, and lighted the second one again.

  I don’t know how long I have been sitting for, until the whole pack of cigarettes is exhausted, and the cigarette butts are all over the floor, Shan Hanjie still sits still.



  Qin Youxuan felt uncomfortable with her stomach pressure in the middle of the night, turned over, touched the cold bed sheet next to her, and woke up.

  The ignorant cat blinked a few times, and through the dim wall lamp, she realized that there was really no one around her.


  Qin Youxuan turned on the light in the room at once.

   sat up from the bed groggy, stretched out his hands to support his stomach, and carefully climbed out of the bed.

   looked around the room, but did not see Shan Hanjie's figure, the cat squinted.

   "Where did you go if you didn't sleep so late."

  Qin Youxuan muttered, opened the door and walked out.

   A cold shiver, he shrank back, walked to the closet, took a coat for himself, and then walked out again.

   Follow the lights in the corridor and find the study all the way.

   Seeing the darkness inside, there was no light at all, and he reached out and touched his nose.

   Could it be that she guessed wrong and Shan Hanjie is not in the study?

  Qin Youxuan was about to turn around, smelling the faint smell of smoke coming from the door, paused in his footsteps, and turned back.

  The cat blinked, raised his hand and entered the password.


  As soon as the door of the study was opened, a choking smoke rushed out.

   "Don't come in!"

  Shan Hanjie hesitated for a few seconds before regaining his senses. He quickly got up from the chair, walked quickly to the door, and pulled Qin Youxuan out of the study.

  With a thunderous momentum, he closed the door of the study again.


  Qin Youxuan was dragged to the corridor by him, completely confused.

   After a long time, after recovering from the thick smoke just now, he raised his head in surprise.

   "You smoke in the study without going to bed at midnight?"

  How many cigarettes did he smoke so that all the books he smoked are all the smell of cigarettes?

  Qin Youxuan's pretty face turned pale, and she bit her lip.

   "Did the baby trouble you?"

  Dan Hanjie did not answer her question, but instead asked.

  She has always been very heavy in sleep, and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night.

  Dan Hanjie stepped forward, trying to hug her, but Qin Youxuan took a step back, avoiding his hand.

   "The smoke on you smells so bad, don't touch me."

  Qin Youxuan pinched her nose in disgust, and stepped back several steps.

   "It's cold at night, you can't stand here, go back to the room first, I will take a shower now."

  Dan Hanjie frowned and realized that the smell of smoke on her body disgusted her. He did not force her up to hug her, but took a deep look at her and turned back to the room.

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