365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1104: I'm afraid I won't be able to laugh at that time

  The huge manor is solemn and solemnly decorated with white roses.

  The white cloth on both sides of the road is formed into a flower bone shape, and every ten meters, it forms a wreath.

  The empty green grass, the cool breeze, blowing the white veil along the way, set off the low and mournfulness of the whole manor...

  Shan Hanjie hugged Qin Youxuan and got off the car, and someone immediately greeted him.

   "Jie Shao, the master has been waiting for you for a long time, and the funeral is about to begin. Please follow me here."

   "Everyone is here, what anxious."

  Dan Hanjie's face was calm, his handsome face was alienated, his big hands clasped Qin Youxuan's small hands, put her down, arranged her skirt for her, and shaved her belly with long fingers.

   "Tell me when you are tired for a while, and I will take you away first."

   "I know, I won't be strong." Qin Youxuan reached out and touched her belly, nodding obediently.

  Dan Hanjie took her safely and walked towards Shan Yi’s lounge.

   "Why come here so late, so many people outside are watching, and then there will be some rumors, Shan Rong's inheritance, you don't even want to get it."

  As soon as Shan Yi saw Shan Hanjie appear, he immediately lowered his face and scolded.

  A white suit made his resolute face look more refined.

  The sharp old eyes were red and moist.

  There is a small white flower pinned on her chest, and she can't pick out the slightest problem from head to toe.

  If people who don’t know see him like this, they think he is really sad for Shan Rong’s death.

   "Uncle is too worried. The old man had already notarized the property under his name before he died, and transferred all of it to Shan Hanxi. He didn't even intend to let me touch his things."

  Dan Hanjie pulled Qin Youxuan forward, sat on the sofa, and responded casually.

  "In addition to Shan Hanxi, Shan Rong is the only son left. If Shan Hanxi dies, his inheritance will naturally be yours."

   Then Shan Hanjie's, sooner or later he will become him.

  Of course, Shan Yi would not say the last sentence.

  "Well, the police have wanted Shan Hanxi, and he will be arrested sooner or later. Now the most important thing is that you have to win over the people of the consortium and let them support you as the heir to sit as the honorary chairman."

  Shan Rong suddenly passed away, and Shan Hanxi disappeared. This is equivalent to God’s opportunity for Shan Hanjie.

  Shan Hanjie took over all of the consortium at this time, it was logical.

   "Yes, I will try my best."

   "Just doing my best is not enough, I will also let people intercede with you. In the final analysis, the woman you marry is useless. If you change to a famous lady, I can help you at this time."

  Shan Yi's gaze fell on Qin Youxuan.

  I caught a glimpse of her bulging belly, and a sharp light flashed across her eyes.

  Shan Hanjie calmly guarded Qin Youxuan behind him, and raised his eyebrows.

  "We have already discussed this issue. I don’t need a woman to make plans for me for what I want. If the uncle has no other orders, we will go out first."

  The guests outside the venue are almost there. At the beginning of the funeral, Shan Hanjie’s son is bound to lead the way.

  Shan Yi just gave a cold snort and didn't say much.

   "If Shan Yi knew that I was the daughter of the Ye family, he might not be able to laugh." Qin Youxuan couldn't help joking as soon as he got out of the lounge.

  As soon as she spoke, Shan Hanjie pressed her cherry lips.

   "What he said, you don't have to worry about a word, even without the Ye Family, I can hold up a sky for you."

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