The curious gaze kept going back and forth between the three people.

  I can’t figure out whether Yu Xiuzhun’s remarks were following Shan Hanjie, or he really cares about Qin Youxuan.

  Most people here know Qin Youxuan’s origin, but a small family. Shan Hanjie brought her to Shan Rong’s funeral, which was surprising enough.

  Now even the young master whose eyes are higher than the top of Yu’s family is personally concerned about this magnetic field, no matter how you look at it, it’s not right.

   "I'm fine, don't work hard and don't worry about it." Qin Youxuan smiled as a polite response.

  The attitude is neither enthusiastic nor makes Yu Xiu ugly.

  After all, there are so many people here, she just hates Yu Xiuzun, and she can't let him not be on stage in public.

   "It's rare to see you being so polite to me, I feel flattered."

As soon as   Yu Xiuzhun said this sentence, there was an uproar at the scene.

  The eyes of a few people again showed gossip.

  Even many people are speculating about the relationship between Qin Youxuan and Yu Xiuzhun.

  The smile on Qin Youxuan's face was almost unstretched.

  The cat squinted, staring at Yu Xiuzun displeasedly.

"Yu Shao, this is Shan's funeral. You are obstructing the way." Shan Hanjie clasped Qin Youxuan's waist tightly and brought her into his arms. The coquettish Zitong swept around. Circle, every word.

  He was not merciful, and everyone took a breath.

   Just when everyone thought that Yu Xiu would be angry, he smiled and shrugged.

  Dangerous eyes cast a deep look at Qin Youxuan, without speaking, he stepped away.

  This weird scene made everyone on the scene unable to understand.

  Dan Hanjie's demon's face sank, hugged Qin Youxuan, and strode into the lounge.

   "He did it deliberately. If you are angry, it will be cheaper for him." Qin Youxuan stretched out his hand to wrap his neck, softly whispering to Shan Hanjie's ear.

  Dan Hanjie's body was slightly stiff, and looking down at her, there was nothing but peace in his eyes, "You have stood for too long, you should rest."


  Well, she thinks too much, she thought he was angry.

   "It's fine for me to be here. You can go out and work." Qin Youxuan was hugged by Shan Hanjie to the shade on the edge of the cemetery, and looked at Shan Hanjie who asked to move a chair, and took his arm.

"Not urgent."

  Shan Hanjie asked people to bring a chair, and took a soft pillow from the car to her waist.

  Hold the two bodyguards by her side, and then he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead with confidence.

   "Wait a little longer, I will send you back."

   "I'm fine, and the baby is very good." Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand to touch her belly, her expression softened.

  Hearing her say this, Shan Hanjie reassured himself and turned back to the cemetery.

  It’s okay to stand, but Qin Youxuan gets a little boring as soon as she sits down.

  Many people came to express condolences, and the cemetery was crowded and dazzled.

   "Young lady, are you thirsty? The subordinate will pour you water."

  The bodyguard saw Qin Youxuan pursing his lips, and asked with concern.

  It’s okay not to mention it. After standing for so long, she didn't drink a sip of water. She was really thirsty.

   simply nodded.

  One of the bodyguards walked away quickly, but poured water on her.

  Qin Youxuan was left with only one bodyguard beside him, watching the crowd around him vigilantly.

  Qin Youxuan just wanted to comfort him without being so nervous, suddenly a familiar figure came towards her from the corner of his eyes, and the cat's eyes tightened suddenly.

   "Dan Hanxi..."

   "Young lady, who do you say?"

  The bodyguard turned his head in confusion, Qin Youxuan was about to remind him to be careful. Shan Hanxi, who was disguised as a guest, stepped forward and stunned him with a sharp knife.

   Reached out and took off the hat on his head, staring at Qin Youxuan with cold eyes, tearing open the corners of his mouth, "We meet again."


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