365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1110: The big baby is okay, the little baby is scared

   "I seem to be causing you trouble again." Qin Youxuan raised her hand and tapped her forehead, looking at the man who was taking off his jacket.

  Dan Hanjie paused with his unbuttoned hand and turned his head to look at her.

  Her mouth ticked, "Do you still cause less trouble?"


  How often does she get into trouble, just so many times.

   But looking at his appearance, it seemed that he didn't care at all.

"Aren't you worried? If you leave like this, if the media target you, then you will be just like Shan Hanxi, and you will become an unfilial son." Qin Youxuan pursed her lips and sat upright from the sofa. .

   "Otherwise, if you go back now, you should be in time for the end of the funeral."

   "I don't want to give him a funeral at all, he is not worthy!" Shan Hanjie threw his coat on the armrest of the sofa and strode to Qin Youxuan's side.

  The stalwart body sank into the sofa, and the sofa sank a piece immediately.

  Dan Hanjie stretched out his hand, Qin Youxuan immediately moved to him automatically and nestled in his arms.

   "I know, but we attended the funeral to deal with Shan Yi, you should complete the task."

   "At this time, the media dare not target me, watch it."

  Shan Hanjie did not continue discussing this topic, scanning Qin Youxuan’s pale face, and touching her cheek with his big hand.

   "Did you scare the big baby?"

   "The big baby is okay, but the little one was scared, and his stomach hurts a little bit earlier."

  Qin Youxuan pursed her lips and admitted honestly.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes changed, and he quickly took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket to make a call.

  "It’s just a pain, and it’s all right now. If I really feel uncomfortable, I won’t hide it from you." Qin Youxuan held his hand and said seriously.

  "You just kept it from me for so long. Why didn't you say it earlier if you were uncomfortable?" Shan Hanjie sank, his brows floating in anger.

   "That kind of cramping, the mood fluctuates as soon as the mood fluctuates, the fifth choice leisure also explained, relax and it will be fine, Shan Hanjie, you are too nervous, you will scare me like this."

  Qin Youxuan pressed her pretty face into his chest, and pouted aggrievedly.

  She is so behaved, the door will not go out, and he will lose his temper at her.

  The baby is not good, not only is he worried, she is also worried.


  Shan Hanjie's body stiffened, and his evil eyes closed.

  A faint light flashes across her sturdy face.

  The arms holding Qin Youxuan closed silently and hugged her tightly.

  Get up from the sofa and step upstairs.

  Back to the room, she let her lie down on the bed, holding her belly with big hands.

   "Go to sleep, I'll be with you." He said.

  Qin Youxuan now likes to listen to these words most, as long as he is around, she can sleep well.

  The little guy seems to know that Dad is there too, so he is very good.

  Qin Youxuan hummed comfortably, and when she turned over, she closed her cat's eyes.

  Until she fell asleep, Shan Hanjie did not leave.

   Lying on her side, the coquettish Zitong looked at her peacefully sleeping face, her eyes twinkling.


After Shan Rong's funeral, Qin Youxuan did not go out for several days.

  I'm less than eight months pregnant, but my belly looks like I'm about to give birth at any time.

  She weighed more than ten kilograms higher, but she looked thinner, and the whole length of the meat was on the belly.

  Even Fifth Choi-xian couldn't help but joking after checking her up, saying that her health is not good, but the child is developing better than anyone else.

  The tenacious vitality of this child is really like a little evildoer.

   "Young lady, Jie Shao's call."

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