365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1115: The first person to hate is you

   "It's only a little bit, I'm going to shoot and kill him, if it wasn't for a Jiang family, a Jiangyu..."

   "...I want him to taste the taste of being betrayed by the closest person."

   Shan Rong’s voice, like a magic claw, strangled Qin Youxuan’s throat, making her breathless.

  Listening to his crazy clamor, Qin Youxuan became angry all over.

   Firmly grasping the car mat, the cat's eyes became scarlet.

   gritted his teeth fiercely.

  She loved her parents, and her good home was all destroyed in Shan Rong's hands, but he could still say it in such a natural tone.

   "You gave Jiang Yu the news of Ye Zhan's death?"

  Shan Hanjie's voice sounded again after a long time.

   Deep and cold.

  Qin Youxuan can imagine even if he can't see the expression, he tolerated his anger.

   "I didn't expect her to be so intimidated, and just let her commit suicide with just one sentence. It can only be considered that they have no destiny, what does it have to do with me..."


  Qin Youxuan grabbed the recorder and smashed it into the carriage.

  He pressed his chest painfully, almost out of breath.

  As long as she thought that she had stood in front of Shan Rong’s tomb and offered him flowers, Qin Youxuan could not wait to choke herself.

  Her mother-killing enemy, the culprit who ruined her home, she actually felt compassion towards Shan Rong.

  Qin Youxuan stared at the recorder that was still playing, raised her foot emotionally, and stepped hard.

  The recorder just put Shan Rong's triumphant smirk, then flickered to a halt.

   "This is the truth that you don't know, but Shan Hanjie knew it a long time ago, but never thought of telling you that you are separated by a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity. This feeling, okay?"

Shan Hanxi looked at Qin Youxuan, who was pale, and smiled coldly, and took out another voice recorder from his trouser pocket. "The recording later is more exciting. Shan Hanjie is hiding from you, not just this. Pieces."

  As soon as he was about to press the play button, Qin Youxuan suddenly became fierce and rushed to grab the recorder in his hand.

   opened his mouth and bit his wrist. After getting the recorder, he threw it to the ground if he didn't want to, and stepped on it desperately.

   gasping for breath.

   "Dan Hanxi, if I hate Shan Hanjie, you will be the first person to hate!"

  But what she wants to do most now is to plan Shan Rong’s grave!

  The words in the recorder were played back in her mind over and over again.

  I think of her mother's waiting for so many years, so much suffering, it is all other people's design.

  I didn’t know that I had become a **** in other people’s hands until I died.

  Nameless anger fluttered in the limbs, Qin Youxuan's face turned pale, she reached out and pressed her belly, and fell on the car mat.

"it hurts……"

   Warm blood flowed from between the legs, and soon dyed the white skirt red.

  Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand to grab something, but the face of Shan Han and Sirloin was reflected in her eyes.


  Qin Youxuan was holding her stomach in fear, her lower abdomen throbbed and her contractions were severe.

  Dan Hanxi watched more and more blood pouring from her legs, Zitong tightened.

  The body is leaning on the car mat without any movement.

  "Call an ambulance and take me to the hospital..."

  The more painful the body, the more blurred his consciousness. Qin Youxuan grabbed the door of the car and tried to sit up, but couldn't get any strength with his hands.

  Shan Hanjie's figure has always appeared in front of her eyes, but she can't see clearly.


  Dan Hanxi just looked at her, took out a cigarette, lit it, and watched her struggle indifferently.

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