365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1118: How could it be like this...

   "Every time you come across something in your family, you get mad..."

  Fifth Chosen's words were not finished yet, and his eyes fell on Qin Youxuan, who was lying in the hospital bed, who was already **** red, and his eyes changed.

   handed the medicine kit to the assistant and quickly stepped forward.

  Quickly checked again and frowned.

   "How could it be done like this?"

  The fifth leisure action is very swift, and there is no need to think about it, take out an oxytocin, and give Qin Youxuan an injection.

  Ruihua was stunned for several seconds before reacting and stepping forward to help.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan who was in a coma, her eyes were red.

  "Xuanzi, you have to work hard, and the little one has to rely on your own efforts."

"What are you crying? Now is not the time you are crying. Among the people who pinch her, find a way to wake them up. If they can’t wake up, prepare anesthetics, prepare for caesarean section, take out the baby, and wait a few minutes for this baby. It's dead."

  The fifth choice is gossip, looking at Shan Hanjie who has completely froze.

   "If you don't want to be kicked out by me, just think of a way to wake people up. In her situation, it's best to have a smooth delivery."


  In almost a second, Shan Hanjie rushed to Qin Youxuan's side.

   tightly grasped Qin Youxuan's hand.

  With her coquettish eyes, she fixedly looked at Fifth Chosen, "As long as she is okay, no matter what, she must be okay."

  There are some things that he doesn't want to say, but he already has the answer in his heart.

  It means that she has no children for a lifetime, and he can't let her take any risk.

  Fifth Xianxian looked at him, thinking of what he had just heard at the door of the operating room, the silver-white Zitong flashed and did not answer.

  Having an oxytocin injection, Qin Youxuan quickly reacted.

  Among the people holding her, Shan Hanjie frowned in pain as she watched her wake up quietly.

   couldn't help but shout out.


  "The baby is still there, cat, listen to me, we don’t have much time, we must give birth to the baby as soon as possible, otherwise you will all be in danger, understand?"

  Dan Hanjie held her hand tightly, looking at Qin Youxuan, who was completely bloodless, the demon's face was filled with distress.

  Want to hurt her for her.

  Qin Youxuan’s cat's eyes were slightly dull for a few seconds, before she could react to Shan Hanjie's meaning, the response of her contractions made her cry out in pain.

  Opened his mouth and bit Shan Hanjie's arm.


  Dan Hanjie snorted, but didn't push her away, instead he put his arm in front of her.

   "The gate of the palace has opened five fingers, it's fast, then bear it." Rui Wei glanced up and raised his head to encourage.

  Qin Youxuan's body was already wet with sweat, and the smell of blood was all over her nose. There was only one thought left in her mind, that she must give birth to the child.

   "Xiao Xuanzi, listen to me next, if I say force, you follow me force."

  Ruiwei’s first delivery was in a dangerous situation like Qin Youxuan. It is false to say that he is not nervous.

   But looking at Fifth Chosen standing next to her, she was inexplicably less scared.

  Just like there is a backing behind you, if she fails, there are people who can save lives.

   narrowed his eyes, and accompany Qin Youxuan with all his attention.

  The pain of giving birth to a child is painful.

  The pain that seemed to break even the bones, Qin Youxuan could hardly bear.

  Her consciousness was lost, she was almost unable to use her strength, she didn't know what was in front of her, she just clutched the sheets desperately.

   Mechanically followed Rui Hua's password and forcefully.



  The cry of a baby resounded throughout the operating room.

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