365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1120: It's completely carved out according to his model

  Qin Youxuan almost couldn't drink the water he saw.

   "Can I see the baby?"

  Qin Youxuan barely took a sip, and couldn't help but ask.

  She still remembered the words Rui Hua said before she fainted, so she was afraid that everyone united to lie to her in the harmony in front of her.

   "You can't get out of bed now."

  Dan Hanjie opened her lips indifferently, still looking at her fixedly.

   "Can I just take a look?"

  Qin Youxuan begged, clasping her hands together, looking at Shan Hanjie bafflingly.

  Dan Hanjie also looked at her.

  His eyes were facing each other, Qin Youxuan suddenly realized that something was wrong with him.

   "Shan Hanjie, are you...I'm fine."

  Qin Youxuan struggled to sit up and wanted to hug him.

  She was afraid when she saw it in the man’s eyes...

   Without waiting for her to sit up, Shan Hanjie took her into his arms desperately.

   Stubbornly stuck in his arms.

   "I won't make you pregnant again, never."

  He couldn't stand it anymore and watched her covered in blood falling into his arms, the kind of suffocation that made people crazy.

"little baby……"

  Qin Youxuan could not help asking aloud when he saw him gradually calm down.

   "Who does the baby look like?"


   "Shan Hanjie, haven't you seen the child yet?" Seeing him stunned, Qin Youxuan almost blurted out.


  Dan Hanjie’s face was dark, and there was no sound.

  Since Qin Youxuan's accident, he has always been by her side, keeping every step of the way, forgetting that he has become a father.

  An accident made him forget to feel the joy of being a father.

  "Will you go and see the baby? He is our baby. How can he be born so long, even my parents have never seen it." Qin Youxuan urged.

  As soon as the voice fell, a bright cry came from the incubator.

  It was like hearing her words.

   I cried aggrieved.

  Shan Hanjie put Qin Youxuan down, let her lie flat on the bed, and then stood up from the side of the bed.

  Step forward towards the incubator.

The closer   , the more obvious the throbbing in my heart.

  Before he saw the little guy, the nurse next to him filled up the milk and handed the bottle to him.

   "I haven't eaten for two hours. The baby should be hungry. Dad can try to breastfeed him so that he can remember you soon." The nurse reminded with a smile.


  Shan Hanjie reached out to take the bottle, looked at the strange stuff in his palm, and was stunned for several seconds before moving his gaze to the incubator.

  The enchanting Zitong touched the small one inside, and his body shook suddenly.

  Only his two slap-sized little guys, with **** eyes staring at him.

  The little face just cried, a little red.

  It's not as wrinkled as ordinary newborns, just a few hours after birth, it looks exquisite like a porcelain doll.

  The beautiful facial features are completely carved out of Shan Hanjie's appearance...

  I'm probably hungry. My pinky little mouth chucked twice, but I couldn't find anything to eat. I narrowed my eyes and started crying.

   "I have been a nurse for so many years, and this is the first time I have met such a beautiful newborn, who looks too much like Jie Shao." The nurse smiled beside him.

  Seeing that Shan Hanjie was just stunned and did not move, he quickly took the bottle in his hand and put it into the baby's mouth.

   stopped crying in time.

   Reached out and took the little guy out of the incubator. After a few coaxes, he raised his head to look at Shan Hanjie.

   "Jie Shao, do you want to hug?"

  Although the little guy is a premature baby, he doesn’t have much physical problems.

   placed in the incubator for observation, just in case.

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