365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1122: An unspeakable sense of responsibility

  Hungry without a meal.

  Shan Hanjie simply reached out and picked up Qin Youxuan’s clothes on the other side, “The nurse just said that if the baby can’t **** it out, Dad can help.”

   "Shan Hanjie, the baby sucked it out by himself." Qin Youxuan pushed the man's head.

  "Then I'll help him warm up first, so he can breathe later."


  The little guy is still young, hungry fast, and full fast.

  Qin Youxuan did not have enough milk, so she still fed some milk later.

  Fearing that she would be tired, Shan Hanjie took the baby from her arms and fed milk to the little guy awkwardly.

  The little guy gave face to face. Shan Hanjie was uncomfortable and didn't cry. He chirped his mouth, and fell asleep in his father's arms when he was full.

   "Jie Shao, give me the baby, I have to put it back in the incubator."

  The nurse calculated that the time was almost the same before returning to the ward.

   Reach out to pick up the little guy in Shan Hanjie's hands.

   "Let me look at him again."

  Qin Youxuan straightened her neck and took a few more glances when she saw that the little guy was about to be carried back to the incubator.

  That is her son, their son.

  Almost there is no more.

  Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand to grasp the sheets, wanting to hold him all the time.

  The child was in Shan Hanjie’s arms, and Shan Hanjie was reluctant to let go.

  Watching the little guy fall asleep and sip his mouth from time to time, his naughty and cute appearance makes people can't help but laugh.

  An unspeakable sense of responsibility was pressed to the shoulder.

  For the first time, he felt heavy on his shoulders.

  This is his blood, a child connected to his blood...

  Dan Hanjie thought that he had given up on him before, and his heart tightened suddenly.

   "The child is in this ward, just put it in the incubator for observation, and both of you can go and see it at any time." The nurse seemed to be used to such a scene, and very skillfully took the baby from Shan Hanjie's hands.

   turned around and walked to the incubator, carefully putting the little guy in.

  The little guy just left his father’s arms and cried twice unhappy.

  The nurse gave a gentle soothing, he vomited a few milk bubbles, and fell asleep obediently.

   "The baby can't bear his father. It seems that he likes his father to hold him." The nurse raised her head from the incubator and joked with a smile.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dazzled, and the pride in his eyes couldn't be concealed.


  The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside.

  Yao strode in, and saw that Qin Youxuan was awake, and leaned over respectfully.

   "Little grandma."

   Seeing Qin Youxuan nodded, Yaocai looked at Shan Hanjie.

   "Jie Shao, Mr. Ye is here."

  The news of Qin Youxuan's premature birth was impossible to hide, because she was still in a coma before, and Shan Hanjie ordered no one to visit.

  Now that she is awake, the ban should be lifted.


  Shan Hanjie stepped forward, touched her cheek, and asked softly.

  Qin Youxuan shook her head, "Not tired, I want to see Dad too."

   "Let him come in."

  Shan Hanjie heard her say so, naturally he would not stop him.

   just sat on the side of her bed and gently picked her up, letting her lean in her arms.

   Ye Zhanxing's movements were very fast. As soon as Yao left, he pushed the door and walked in anxiously.

   "How can I be born prematurely? Is there anything wrong with my body? I asked the doctor and said that the fifth choice was the whole process. Did you say how to nurse after premature birth?"

   Ye Zhanxing asked several questions in one breath, all worried about Qin Youxuan.

  The worry on his face made him look a lot more serious.

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