Dan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, "Are you a normal labor? You are called a premature birth."

  Recalling the scene of her bleeding, Shan Hanjie twisted his eyebrows, and a glimmer of light passed through his eyes.

   "What are you talking about, so loud, you can almost hear it outside."

   Ye Zhanxing opened the door and walked in, and walked to Qin Youxuan’s bed.

   "How do you feel today? Is it better?"

   "Dad, I'm already fine."

  Qin Youxuan sat up from the bed, glanced at Su Yiru who was walking behind, smiled slightly, "Aunt Ru."

"Lie down, the woman in the confinement is expensive, don't tire yourself, I'm worried about you, so I pestered your dad to let him take me to see you." Su Yiru stepped forward and put a jewelry box on Qin. Youxuan's bedside.

  Qin Youxuan was slightly startled, before reaching out and taking it up.

  Open it to see a pair of jade ankles.

  Small and delicate, it feels warm to the touch and very creamy.

   "I don't have any good things in my hands. This pair of Yuhuan can be regarded as a meeting gift for the baby."

  "This is too expensive, Aunt Ru..."

  "The one for the child should be the best." Su Yiru interrupted Qin Youxuan and turned to look at the nurse next to him, "Where is the child? Can you let me see."

   "Mrs. Ye, please here."

  The nurse saw that Qin Youxuan had no objection, and immediately led Su Yiru toward the incubator.

   Seeing the little guy lying in the incubator, Su Yiru's expression also softened.

   “It’s so cute. I’ve never seen such a small child before, so I’ve learned to look at people. He looks at me like someone who knows me.” Su Yiru said excitedly.

  The baby is still very young. At this time, the child should be confused when looking at people, but Xiao Xiaojie is different, his eyes are very divine.

  When looking at each other, it is like a sensible adult.

  This made Ru Yiru both surprised and happy.

   "Can I hug him?"

   "Of course it can." Qin Youxuan smiled with a smile.

  In the past, only wildness could be seen in her, but now there is a touch of maternal softness, which not only does not cover up the original breath of her body, but is even more eye-catching.

  "Have you taken the name?"

  Su Yiru teased the little guy in his arms for a while, and saw that he yawned, and quickly put him in the incubator.


  Qin Youxuan was stunned.

  The little guy was born too suddenly to think of a name.

  These days, they are all learning how to be mom and dad. She really forgot to name the baby for a while.

   "Single Tingye."

   Hearing Su Yiru's words, Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows slightly, and responded indifferently.

  As soon as he uttered his words, Qin Youxuan was the first person to stop.

  In the bright cat eyes, there was obvious surprise.

  When did he think of the name, why didn't she know?

   "I have been thinking about it since the first time I saw him, but I have never told you."


  Dan Hanjie said that it was the first time they knew the baby’s gender when they first went to do 4D color Doppler ultrasound.

  Qin Youxuan could not imagine, since then, he has been preparing the baby's name.

  The eye sockets are slightly red.

  Chewing carefully the name he gave the baby.

   "Single Tingye."


  Qin Youxuan suddenly laughed, turned her head and glared at the man, "You deliberately, you even teased me with your son's name. Do you think your son is as wild as me?"

Without waiting for Shan Hanjie to explain, Qin Youxuan raised her head in anger.

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