365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1132: With this IQ, I dare to offend him

   Eat and drink, the little guy is happy immediately.

  While drinking milk, he hummed happily.

  Qin Youxuan saw that he was full and refused to sleep. She was about to let Shan Hanjie hug and shouted, only to find that she and the baby were the only ones left in the ward.

  Where did Shan Hanjie go?

   "Baby, you see you angered my dad, and he doesn't want us. What should I do?" Qin Youxuan teased the little guy in his arms and couldn't help laughing when he saw him laugh.

  A soft light glows on her delicate face.

  Looking at the child's eyes, with an eye-catching maternal brilliance.

   Gently patted the back of the little guy in his arms.

   smiled, beautiful.

   Outside the door, a handsome figure stood at the position closest to her, quietly watching everything in the ward.

   Seeing the smile on her face, Shan Hanxi's heart, shrinking suddenly.

   Just about to reach out and push the door open, a sound came in from the side.

   "I advise you to calm down, if you dare to go one step further, I can't guarantee you can leave here alive."

  Fifth Chosen has nothing on her hands, crosses her shoulders with her hands, and leans on the wall next to her.

  The silver-white Zitong, glowing with a strange luster, stared at Shan Hanxi coldly.

  He stood beside Rui Hua.

  Ruiwa was not as calm as he was. When he saw Shan Hanxi, his lungs exploded with anger.

   "You caused Xiao Xuanzi to give birth prematurely and almost lost her life. You dare to come here. I must kill you today."

   "What's the excitement, it's okay to see the individual, I don't take the killer job."

  Fifth chooses leisure and raises his eyebrows, lazily interrupting Rui Hua's words.

   Reached out and pulled people to her side.

   motioned to her to stay calm.

  Dan Hanxi dares to come here alone, so he is not afraid of death.

  It doesn’t matter if he is not afraid of death, the big and the small inside are very expensive.

   "If I want her to die, she won't live today." Shan Hanxi ignored Fifth Chosen, but turned to look at Qin Youxuan in the ward.

  He wanted to go in and see her, but obviously, Fifth Chosen would not give him this opportunity.

  Dan Hanxi constricted his eyes, the gun in his hand has not slackened.

   With a sudden wave of his arm, he fired a shot in the direction of Rui Hua.

"Be careful!"

  Fifth choose Xian to turn around and throw the person to the ground.

   Lifted his head again, where there was still a trace of Shan Hanxi.

  He broke in at the risk, just to take a look at other people’s wives and children?

  The corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

   "Do you want to get up, you are about to crush me to death."

   "I'm saving you, which eye did you see me pressing you?" Fifth Chosen pushed on the ground with one arm, did not rush to get up, but deliberately put all the weight of his whole body on Rui Hua's body.

  Looking at her mad and unable to push him away, with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

  Idiot, just this IQ, dare to offend him.

"you guys……"

  The door of the ward was pulled open from the inside. Qin Youxuan heard movement outside the door. As soon as she walked to the door with her baby, she saw two people lying on the ground.

  Subconsciously raised his hand, covering the baby's eyes.

   "There is a hotel near the hospital, no matter how bad it is, there is also a ward next door, you don't have to be so bold, you can't hold back in the corridor..."

  Qin Youxuan had not finished speaking, she held her baby and retracted into the ward.

  "Xiao Xuanzi, don't get me wrong, it was actually just now...Um!"

   Ruihua’s explanation was suddenly sealed.

   straightened his eyes and stared at the man who suddenly kissed her.

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