Ye Zhanxing seemed to be unable to see the gun in Shan Hanjie's hand, turned around, walked to the bookshelf in the study, and pulled out a book from it.


  After a faint sound, the wall of the bookshelf revealed a safe.

   Ye Zhanxing carried Shan Hanjie on his back, entered the password, and took out a document from it.

  "God has already given me retribution. I have nothing to ask for now, I just hope to accompany You Xuan well and make up for the fatherly love owed to her."


  Shan Hanjie stared at the files on the desktop, holding the gun, and gradually lowered it.

  The enchanting child pupil, gleaming with complicated light.

  Pushing her thin lips tightly, turning around, stepping away.

  "Do you really love Youxuan?"

   Ye Zhanxing looked at his back and called out abruptly.


  Shan Hanjie paused, then turned his head and glanced at him coldly, without speaking.

   "I know I am not qualified, but as a father, I ask you to be kind to her." Ye Zhanxing's straight back, slowly bends, and bowed towards Shan Hanjie.

  Shan Han Jiezi's pupil shrank and left without looking back.

  Out of the door of the Ye family, sitting in the driver's seat, there was no action for a long time.

  The wound on his shoulder was bleeding, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. He took out a cigarette, trembling his hands, and lit it several times.

  Just two puffs, the phone rang.

   is Qin Youxuan’s phone number.

  The flashing avatar on the phone screen is the first photo of her and the baby.

  Shan Hanjie raised his hand, just about to hang up, his eyes flashed, and he accepted it.

  "Are you finished? My baby and I are going to be discharged from the hospital. When you come to pick us up, why aren't you here yet."

  Qin Youxuan said that she was a bit wronged.

  He has turned off work these days and stayed with their mother and son. Even if something happens temporarily, he will come back soon after going out.

  I have never left like this, which is the case for most of the day.

"wait for me."

  Countless words rushed to his throat, and Shan Hanjie finally only said two words.

  He thought, he can't hate having her in this life.

  He wanted to spoil her and let her act like a baby.

  He is willing even if there is lawlessness.

  Choose a city to die, and meet a person with a white head.

  This is a beautiful dream.

When Shan Hanjie arrived at the hospital, Qin Youxuan was already waiting.

   saw his figure appear, and immediately greeted him.

   "Where have you been, I thought you really didn't want our mother if you were angry." Qin Youxuan reached out and hooked his neck, wanting him to hold her.

  As soon as he touched Shan Hanjie's shoulder, he heard the sound of his inhalation, and his body was taken aback.

"You are hurt?"

  Qin Youxuan took a step back, seeing Shan Hanjie’s pale face, suddenly became nervous.

   "I'll call a doctor."

   "I'm fine."

  Dan Hanjie held her, Qin Youxuan was about to struggle, afraid of touching his wounds, so she didn't dare to move.

   "Shan Hanjie, how could you get hurt? Let the doctor see it, OK?"

   "Okay, don't worry, the fifth choice will come soon."

  Dan Hanjie pressed her into his arms with one hand and found that she was shaking, and the arms that held her tightened tightly.

   "Cat, I'm fine, it's just a bruise."

  Qin Youxuan listened to his comfort and did not relax at all. He wanted Shan Hanjie to lie down on the hospital bed first, but he refused.

   just kept holding her.

  Until Qin Youxuan saw the appearance of Fifth Chosen, Qin Youxuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked him to quickly check Shan Hanjie.

   "Change to another ward."

  Dan Hanjie glanced at Qin Youxuan's face that was even more ugly than him, and opened his lips suddenly.

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