365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1150: A bunch of rotten peach blossoms

  Some people continue to speculate whether the baby was born on the day Shan Hanjie left from Shan Rong’s funeral.

  Even Xiao Tingye’s date of birth has been magnified by the media into a century of unsolved mystery.

  On the Internet, Shan Hanjie’s image has risen to a peerless man.

  A handsome, handsome and golden man who even hurts his wife and is willing to bear the infamy of unfilial piety for the sake of his wife and children.

  I don’t know. Many teenage netizens have left messages on the official website of the Shan’s consortium, begging to be juniors and juniors, and they also posted a bunch of explicit photos.

  I even called out the slogan that my bed is very good...

   "A bunch of rotten peach blossoms."

  Qin Youxuan browsed the news, angrily even clicking the mouse with extreme force.

   Hearing a sound next to him, he quickly turned his head and glanced at the little guy lying in the crib.

   Seeing his son’s delicate little face, he glanced at the synthetic baby on the Internet, his pretty face collapsed.

   "The synthesized photos are a bit like me. How come they were born by myself, it's all cheaper than Shan Hanjie."

  Only the gene of a certain big evildoer is too strong, and it takes the dominant position with an absolute advantage.

  Xiao Tingye’s facial features are completely inherited from Shan Hanjie. Before the full moon, he is so beautiful that people can’t help but squeeze his little face.

  Only those **** eyes, always showing the same cunning as Qin Youxuan.

  Growing up is definitely a black belly.

   "Puff puff......"

  As if knowing that Qin Youxuan was talking about him, Xiao Tingye vomited two milk bubbles.

  Small short hands and short legs, constantly making a fuss, with big eyes looking in Qin Youxuan's direction, with a face begging for hugs.

  How could Qin Youxuan stand her son being so cute, and she was about to turn off the computer as soon as the mouse moved.

  Too anxious, but clicked the wrong news page.

   Seeing the report that popped up in an instant, Qin Youxuan's fingers stopped.


  At the latest police commendation meeting, Ning Yanan received a first-class report, was cut into a picture, and posted it on the official forum.

  Ning Yanan, who has escaped from the undercover identity, is really rising up.

  In a blink of an eye, he became a first-level inspector.

  The person standing next to her is not Jiang Jinchen.

  It was the special police named Moxiyang.

  Two people in a police uniform, brave and heroic.

  In this way, she really looks like a talented woman.

   Hearing the voice of his son, Qin Youxuan suddenly recovered.

  Closed the webpage, got up from the chair, walked to the bed, and picked up the little guy.

  While feeding the little guy, she thought about Ning Yanan and Jiang Jinchen.

  She knows that Jiang Jinchen is currently dating Jing Yan, and in domestic reports, I can see his news almost every day.

  After so many things, Jiang Haoyan still did not give up the marriage between Jiangjing and Jiangjing.

  Only this time, the active person finally became Jiang Jinchen.

   "Baby, did you say that Uncle Cousin is crazy? Does he really want to live a life of walking corpses, and then watch his own woman be with others?"

  Qin Youxuan poked the little guy in the cheek with her white fingers.

  The little guy was drinking milk seriously. When he was interrupted, the little hand grabbed Qin Youxuan’s fingers.

   Just one click, and then release.

  I can't feel the strength quickly, as if he just waved and touched it inadvertently.

   With big crystal eyes, Qin Youxuan glanced at Qin Youxuan, then turned her face to drink milk seriously.

   "I'm crazy, and I will tell you this. I really treat you as a little enchantress." Qin Youxuan couldn't help but look at his anxious look.

   Bowed her head and kissed his little cheek, lay down on the bed with the baby, and accompany him to sleep.

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