365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1155: With me, don't even think about your death!

   "Who did you say?"

  Shan Hanjie stood up instantly, propped on the table with one arm.

   "Yu Xiu Zhun went to the villa, looking for a grandma...Ji Shao!"

  Yao hadn’t finished speaking yet, Shan Hanjie had already taken the suit jacket next to him, passed him, and left the office.


  Private villa.

  The setting sun, the orange light sprinkled on the green grass, giving a warmth.

  The flowers in the yard are very beautiful, and the blooming flower bones are gently swaying with the breeze.

  Qin Youxuan stood on the balcony, wearing a thin coat, standing there, bathed in sunshine.

  Shimmer hit her pretty face, outlining the indescribable beauty.

   "Mother, this is the chicken soup that has just been cooked." The butler went upstairs with the soup bowl and stood respectfully behind Qin Youxuan.

  "Put it on the table, I'll drink it when it cools." Qin Youxuan snorted toward the small coffee table on the balcony.

   hesitated for a while, then asked, "Has Yu Xiu left?"

  "Not yet, Yu Shao seems to have something to see his grandma, do you want to invite in?"

   "No, Shan Hanjie is not here, I don't see anyone." Qin Youxuan refused very simply, and didn't care who was waiting outside.

  She now has a child, and she is all focused on the child.

  The Shan's family is in turmoil, and Yu Xiuzhun is very evil, and she feels very dangerous.

  At this time, avoid it if you can.

  She didn’t think Yu Xiuzhun had any good things to tell her, and she had to pick out Hanjie when she was not in the villa.

  The butler soon went downstairs.

  Qin Youxuan stood for a while, then walked to the small coffee table, picked up the chicken soup and drank it in one sip.

   Put down the soup bowl, sit on the tatami next to it, close your eyes and rest.

  Not long after, I heard footsteps approaching.

  Qin Youxuan did not open his eyes, thinking that it was the butler who came up to clean up the soup bowl, "I have finished drinking, take the bowl away."

  As soon as Qin Youxuan's voice fell, her petite body fell into a warm embrace.

   said it was warm, because she could still feel the hasty footsteps of men and the sweat of the shirt.

   "Why did you come back so early today?" Qin Youxuan opened her cat's eyes, saw the magnified face in front of her, and cried out in surprise.

  The arm passed through the man's shoulder naturally and wrapped around his neck.

   leaned into his arms and acted like a baby.

   "I'm afraid that if I come back late, my wife will be abducted by a wild man."

   "What nonsense, you are now a national husband in the eyes of women, and I am worried that you are looking for a little one outside. Those photos really make people blush and heartbeat, so you won't be moved?"

  Qin Youxuan clenched her fist and hammered him.

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting eyes flashed, and he smiled faintly.

   Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, this sentence can not only describe women, but it is also shocking when placed on Shan Hanjie.

  There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and his enchanting face was bathed in the setting sun, revealing bewitching.


   "I don't have one. If you dare to cheat, I will take your son to remarry!"

"you dare!"

   "Have the ability to wait and see!" Qin Youxuan has never been the master of resignation, choking especially slippery.

  Shan Han’s evil eyes tightened, and from her cat eyes, there was no hint of joking.

   Tightened her arm tightly, "With me, don't even think about your death!"

  "Then you have to be nice to me. If you are not good to me, many things are uncertain." Qin Youxuan took the opportunity to sneer and rubbed Shan Hanjie's arms.

   "Why are your hands so cold? How long have you been sitting outside?"

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