The woman's casual appearance, as if she just happened to run into it, and didn't plan to care about him, so she left.

  The unspeakable familiar smell just now was like his illusion.

  Shan Hanjie pressed his swollen brain, an episode that also made him lose the idea of ​​going to the bathroom.

   turned around and returned to the bar. After the checkout, Jiang Jinchen, who was already unconscious, was dragged out of the pub.

   "Why can't you say that she can't love me like I love her? Why? She feels sick even when I touch her..."

  Jiang Jinchen is still drunk crazy.

  Xu was very irritated by Ning Yanan. As he spoke, his eyes flashed.

  Shan Hanjie glanced at him, and suddenly pushed him, pushing him directly onto the street.

"If you are crazy enough, I will go back by myself. I'm not in the mood to greet you. Look at you now, let alone Ning Yanan, even I can't even look down on you. Isn't it just Mo Xiyang? The winner?"

  Dan Hanjie was awakened by the cool breeze.

   took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

  The enchanting Zitong, revealing a touch of yin.

  Jiang Jinchen’s problem can still be solved through hard work, but he and Qin Youxuan have really entered a dead end.

   Shan Hanjie's eyes tightened, took a puff of cigarette, and threw it to the ground, crushing it out.

  Jiang Jinchen, who dragged the devilish barrier, directly stopped a taxi and stuffed him in. At the same time, he gave the driver a handful of cash and asked the driver to find a hotel nearby and throw it in.

  There is money to be made, and the driver happily took the person and left.

   Far away, Shan Hanjie could still hear Jiang Jinchen’s angry wolf crying ghost howling.

  After dealing with Jiang Jinchen, Shan Hanjie walked back to the car.

  Just about to start the car, Qin Youxuan was so angry that he almost didn't talk to him when he drove back when he was drunk last time.

  Hesitated for a few seconds, Shan Hanjie still took out his mobile phone and called Yao out.

  Back to the villa, afraid of waking Qin Youxuan, Shan Hanjie did not go back to the bedroom, but slept directly in the guest room.

  Early the next morning, even though the hangover was uncomfortable, I hurried up and went to the group.

  When Qin Youxuan got up, his shadow was long gone in the villa.

   But even so, Qin Youxuan's heart still chuckled.

  Even if Shan Hanjie went out early and he did not return to the room to sleep, the person next to her pillow was asleep, and she could still tell when she woke up.

   At the location beside her, no one has ever slept.

  Shan Hanjie was not in the bedroom last night...

  Where is he sleeping?

  Qin Youxuan woke up, she was completely drowsy, turned over from the bed and sat up.

   Reached out, took the jacket and draped it on his body, and ran downstairs.

  She was so nervous, not because she suspected Shan Hanjie, but worried.

  Dan Hanjie sticks to her better than she sticks to him.

  If nothing happened, Shan Hanjie would not go back to the room to sleep.

   Asked the housekeeper and learned that Shan Hanjie slept in the guest room last night. Although Qin Youxuan was puzzled, she was relieved.

  He is fine.

  "My grandmother, you just woke up. There was an email from you this morning, which just arrived."

   "What email?"

  Qin Youxuan was slightly startled, and looked at the housekeeper in confusion.

  She can’t remember who wants to send her an email, and the last time she received an unfamiliar email...

  Qin Youxuan suddenly had an ominous premonition, but still resisted anxiety.

   "Give me the mail."

  No matter who sent her anything, she could not scare herself.

  The butler quickly fetched the mail, Qin Youxuan took a deep breath before reaching out and taking it, and opened it.

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