Jiang Jinchen stepped forward, put the video tape into the machine, and waited for the show.

  Wait and wait, only to see a hug that is not even excitement.

   Turned his head to look at Shan Hanjie, "Just for this, you will clear the field? Don't tell me, you are in love with this woman and want to take it home and raise it."

  As soon as Jiang Jinchen's words fell, Shan Hanjie narrowed his eyes, and his dangerous eyes made him silent.

  "Committee Yu Xiu sent the screenshots of this video to Qin Youxuan. The angles are just right, and each one is very beautiful."


  Be good.

  Jiang Jinchen reached out and touched his nose.

  Even he could imagine how thrilling Qin Youxuan would see this kind of scene.

  After the mistake, Jiang Jinchen's shoulders collapsed and his expression became lonely.

   "In fact, this is also very good. The more angry she is, the more she cares about you. If you change to me, you will give me a roll of eyes at most, and then let me go."


  Shan Hanjie raised his head and stared at him earnestly for a while.

  A bright light flicked across the eyes.

  Some neglected sentiment slowly floated into my mind.

   turned around and let people take things back to the villa.

   "This is leaving? You won't accompany me for a drink?"

  Jiang Jinchen yelled behind him, Shan Hanjie had completely disappeared before his eyes.


  Private villa.

   "Where is the young grandma?"

   "Being with the young master in the nursery." The butler replied, looking at Shan Hanjie tremblingly, and then stopped talking.

  Finally closed her eyes, "Jie Shao, the young lady just instructed the servant to pack her and the young master’s luggage, saying that she was going to live with her family for a while."


  Shan Hanjie's figure stagnated, and the hand on his side suddenly harvested fists.

  Blue veins appear on the forehead.

   "Jie Shao, my grandmother should just be angry. When the anger is gone, she will be fine."

  The specific reason for the housekeeping is not very clear, but looking at the young couple like this, everyone must be awkward.

  It’s just that Qin Youxuan never took the initiative to say that she was leaving, and suddenly she wanted to go back to her parents’ house. Even the housekeeper was shocked.

  "Jie Shao should persuade her to persuade her, she is still in confinement, so she can’t run around and be tired at this time..."

  The butler wanted to say something more, raised his head, only to realize that Shan Hanjie had already walked upstairs.

   Pushing open the baby room, she saw Qin Youxuan sitting on the side of the crib, teasing her son who had just eaten.

  The little guy seemed to have not eaten enough, and was holding her finger and stuffing it into his mouth.

  Qin Youxuan slightly pulled out a finger from his little hand, and the little guy gnawed his fist.

  Have you chew, you still think you are chewing mother's finger.

  Innocent and lovely appearance, people can't help but laugh.

   Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Qin Youxuan looked away from her son's face and met Shan Hanjie who entered the room. The smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

   lowered his eyes, pretending not to see it, and continued to coax his son.

  Shan Hanjie treated her like this, thinking of the housekeeper's words again, stretched out his hand to pull the tie around his neck in annoyance, and walked forward.

   Pulled her up from the crib, "Follow me."

   "Shan Hanjie, you let me go."

   "Even if I am sentenced to death, I still have to give me a chance to appeal." Shan Hanjie grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room forcefully.

  In the living room, several projectors have been set up at the same time.

   "But it started."

  Shan Hanjie pressed Qin Youxuan into the sofa and forced her to look at the white screen on the wall.

   Soon, the surveillance video tape in the pub came into view.

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