"Shan Hanjie, be careful of your son..."

   "He is my son, I love him as much as you do." Shan Hanjie interrupted her, changed hands, and pressed Qin Youxuan on the wall of the corridor.

   looked down at her.

   "How long will I be angry with me? Ye Zhanxing has something wrong now, and he has to recuperate in the hospital. How can you return to Ye's house?"

   "Don't worry about it."

   "You take my son, I will take care of it."


  Qin Youxuan looked up at him in surprise, Shan Hanjie knew she was thinking more, and touched her cheek with his big hand.

"In my heart, you are important or your son is important, and I still need to say? Cat, I admit that I noticed you at first because of your body scent, but after so long, don’t you think that if I really I just like the taste, I would have received Weier early in the morning."


  Yes, she is not the only person who has this kind of fragrance. There is always Bai Wei beside Shan Hanjie.

   "You never kissed Bai Wei, but you kissed that woman, and you still treat her as me..."

  Qin Youxuan choked slightly.

  What she cares about is that he actually treats other women as her.

  Even if it was only a second, it made her feel like a thorn in her heart.

   "Shan Hanjie, let's separate and calm down."

   "Impossible!" Shan Hanjie did not hesitate to interrupt her thoughts, touched her hand on her cheek, and turned into a pinch.

  Forcing her to look up at herself.

   "I didn't agree when you wanted to leave me before. Now it's even more impossible. You don't want to go anywhere except my side."


   "Cat, our kitten is so small, you have the heart to let him not see his father?" Shan Hanjie never thought that he would be so despicable. He even took advantage of his 12-day-old son.

  Qin Youxuan doesn’t care about anything, except for her precious son.

   Hearing Shan Hanjie’s words, he instinctively looked at the little guy who was still asleep.

  The little guy seemed to sense Dad’s cry for help, his delicate little face suddenly rubbed Shan Hanjie’s arms, and his little mouth chirped.

  The little one fell on Shan Hanjie’s chest.

  Shan Hanjie didn't expect such a young child to behave like this, and he almost didn't hold his arms.

  Shocked from the bottom of his heart, he quickly held his son firmly in his arms with both hands.

   Raised her head to look at Qin Youxuan.


  Qin Youxuan subconsciously looked away, afraid to look at him.

  But my heart has been shaken.

  In the picture just now, she was as shocked as Shan Hanjie.

  "Let’s go down, Fifth Chosen, they will wait, I’m afraid he will fight Rui Hua."

  Qin Youxuan rubbed her palms, and did not talk about the issue of inseparability.

  Taking his son from Shan Hanjie’s arms, he walked downstairs.

  Dan Hanjie's arms were empty, looking at her back, the corners of his mouth raised.

   Slowly followed behind their mother and son, escorting them.

  In the living room.

  A dead silence.

  Rui Hua sat on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms, staring straight, wishing to stare out a hole in Fifth Chosen.

  Fifth Xian Junyi's figure leaned against the sofa, a white suit, and his silver-white pupils were more and more dazzling.

  Supporting his forehead with one hand, he glanced at Rui Wei obliquely.

  His eyes fell on the hickey on her neck, and her eyes flickered slightly.

   "What do you look at? Haven't seen a beautiful woman? It's not yours to see it, I hate it."

  Rui Wei looked up at him and immediately lost his breath.

   "I have never seen anyone idiot so straightforward and fresh." Fifth Chosen raised his eyes and said coldly.

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