"Don't press the baby!"

  Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand to protect her son in her arms, raised her head and glared at the man.

"What's wrong with me, your love to hug and hug is your business, let those flowers and plants not come to me to provoke me, or I will castrate you with you!" Qin Youxuan pushed him away, over the man's side Go to Ye Zhanxing's ward.

When    walked outside the ward, he took a deep breath, collected all his emotions, and pushed the door.

   "Dad, the doctor said Aunt Ru went downstairs to get something, and she should come up soon."

   "Why have you been there for so long? Didn't Shan Hanjie go looking for you? Didn't you meet?" Ye Zhanxing looked at Qin Youxuan who came back with his son alone, and asked suspiciously.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes flickered, and she decided that Ye Zhanxing did not know that Shan Hanjie had been to the pub, so she naturally wouldn't mention it.

   "I didn't see it, whoever went there by himself, it is best not to come back."

  Qin Youxuan sees Yu Yueman, images of holding other women will automatically appear in her mind, and her heart is as uncomfortable as needles.

  She was suffocating her breath now, and she was not spreading the ground.

   "You quarreled? It made my baby girl blush with anger." Ye Zhanxing quipped.

  Qin Youxuan was embarrassed at once, embarrassed, "Dad..."

   "Okay, well, I don't ask, just say what you want, and forget it if you don't want to."

   Ye Zhanxing stretched out his finger to the water cup next to it, which was very meaningful.

   "Life is like this, like people knowing that they are warm and cold when drinking water, dad can tell that Shan Hanjie really loves my daughter, you have to learn to believe in him."

   "That also wants him to be credible."

  Qin Youxuan walked to the bed and sat down, muttering quietly.

  "I believe in my daughter’s vision. Since you even gave birth to a child for him, how can you not believe him? Dad knows that the more you love someone, the less you can tolerate any flaws, just like me and your mother..."

   Ye Zhanxing's eyes were slightly moisturized, and he sighed softly.

   "Sometimes, you should also think about it, do you care more about that person or the flaw? Is it true that because of that flaw, you can't feel that person's slightest good?"

   "Dad, what did Shan Hanjie tell you just now?"

  Qin Youxuan intuitively felt that something was wrong with Ye Zhanxing's words, and the conversation changed.

   "You are just too smart."

   Ye Zhanxing lovingly rubbed the head of the baby girl without explaining.

  Finger pinched the little face of grandson.

   "Tingye, grow up quickly, and you can protect your mother, so grandpa can rest assured."

   "Dad, what are you talking about? Tingye was only born more than ten days ago, and he is still a milk doll!"

  Now I want to let my son protect her, how useless she is.

   "Don't let your son protect, then the only person you can rely on is Shan Hanjie, but you didn't even say that you don't believe him?" Ye Zhanxing talked about it and went back to the place.

  I have to say that it is not without reason that the Ye Family can expand the territory so quickly in the hands of Ye Zhanxing.

   "I didn't say that I didn't believe him, but I felt uncomfortable." Qin Youxuan pulled her head, not knowing what to say to Ye Zhanxing.

  My husband recognizes other women as her. This kind of thing makes that woman feel unhappy.

  Even if it is only a second, she is uncomfortable.

   "I didn't say that I didn't believe it, then did I believe it?" Ye Zhanxing followed her words.

  "Since I believe you all, why not believe more? As long as two people trust each other, naturally no one dares to use anything to destroy your relationship. What you worry about will not happen."

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