365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1200: The man who turned over a villa


  Qin Youxuan looked at him ignorantly, tilted his head, and pointed to his nose with her white fingers, "I'm right here, what are you calling me to do?"

   "I hate you for being stupid, but you should be quick." Shan Hanjie met her cute eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

  I am used to her usual shrewdness, drunk and naive, she is really cute like a child.

  Dan Hanjie stared at her, gradually becoming very familiar.

  Slowly walked towards her...

  A new round of perfect night has just begun.



  Xiao Tingye is the protagonist tonight, and Shan Hanjie offered to leave the child here for one night, and Ye Zhanxing was very happy.

   "Quickly, take out all the gifts I gave Tingye, the little guy is full of the moon, want to grab something and see what he likes."

   Ye Zhanxing held the little guy all night without letting go.

  It was very late, and suddenly remembered something important, and shouted at the servant.

   "Ting Ye is still so young, no matter where he can catch something, that's the birthday gift." Su Yiru looked at the bewildered Ye Zhanxing as soon as he had a grandson, and couldn't help but smile.

   "It's rare to see such a savvy person in a shopping mall, committing such a confusion, if you let Ye's partners know, I am afraid that many people will have to terminate the contract with you."

   "I'm happy, even you laugh at me." Ye Zhanxing's resolute face showed a slight embarrassment.

  Under my eyes, there is no way to hide the joy.

  He never dared to expect to have his own biological daughter, and he never expected to have a grandson.

  Such a happy event is really hard not to be stupid.

   "I know I know, I'm as happy as you." Su Yiru smiled and took the bottle from the babysitter, feeding the little guy in Ye Zhanxing's arms.

  The little guy at the first full moon is very lively, giggling whenever someone teases him.

  When you look at people seriously, you are like a little adult who can understand what the people around you are saying.

  I found that someone was watching him. The little guy even drank milk, drinking very seriously, slowly, and not in a hurry.

  After drinking, she stretched out her small tongue and licked her lips.

   Smiled and curled his eyebrows and eyes, with a pink face, a man who turned a villa.

  There was a child in the family, and even the servants became busy.

Late at night.

  After a day of tossing, adults and children are tired.

  As soon as Xiao Tingye fell asleep, the villa immediately became quiet.

  Ye Zhanxing was not willing to hand over his grandson to Yuesao, but held him by her side.

  Su Yiru had never given birth, but she also raised Ye Mingmei. She has experience in taking care of children.

  Both of them love children, and they love Xiao Tingye even more.

  Since the little guy appeared, everyone's attention has been on the child.

  No one noticed, it was almost midnight, and Ye Mingmei sneaked out of her room door.

   glanced around and walked to the underground parking garage to pick up the car.

  I just drove the car out of the garage. After thinking about it, I put the car back in.

  Relaxed his actions, avoided everyone and left Ye's house, stopped a taxi, reported the address, and rushed over.

   "It's the pub in front, just pull over, thank you, master."

  As soon as the taxi pulled over, Ye Mingmei quickly opened the door and took the toll from her bag. Without waiting for the driver to find change, she hurried away with her bag.

  After crossing the road, Ye Mingmei looked around cautiously and made sure that no one was following her before she stepped up to the pub.

  The lights flickered, and the twisting crowd and surging atmosphere did not infect her at all.

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