Night is very deep and long.

  When the first sunlight of dawn penetrated the window and shone in the room, the sleeping person in the bed finally moved.

  Jiang Jinchen opened his eyes, and his hangover headache caused him to squint uncomfortably.

  I was not surprised to see myself in the hotel.

  This is the case these days.

  As soon as he gets drunk, the bartender at the pub will notify Jing Yan to pick him up.

  Jiang Jinchen will be in his room every time he wakes up.

  He propped up, showing his smooth chest, his mind was blank for a moment.

  The memory suddenly returned to the scene of meeting Ning Yanan last night. The scene of her kissing Mo Xiyang stabbed the man's heart.

  What happened later, but he can't remember...

  Jiang Jinchen hadn't recovered, when he saw the quilt next to him moved, his whole body was shocked.

   Turned his head, to Jingyan's opened eyes, Zitong shrank suddenly.

"you're awake?"

  Jingyan got up from the bed, the quilt slid down because of her movements, revealing her white neck.

  Jiang Jinchen's eyes were splitting, and he reached out his hand to pinch her neck, and pulled the person in front of him.

  Five fingers together, wishing to choke her to death.

   "Why are you in my bed?"


  Jingyan was pinched by his neck, and when she was about to speak, she coughed sharply.

   Grasp his arm with both hands, "You let go first..."

   "I'm asking you something!"

  Jiang Jinchen completely lost his mind when he thought of what might happen to the two of them.

   Holding Jing Yan's hand tightly.

"I underestimated you. By staying with me for so long, I didn't realize that you have such big ambitions. If you want to enter the Jiang family, you have to see if I will marry you. I will tell you now. You climbed into my bed, and I would never marry you. You died early!"


   Jingyan choked and couldn't speak, tears slipped down the corner of her eyes.

  Tugging at the man's arm in pain, Jiang Jinchen seemed to choke her to death, and didn't want to let go.

   "You, you think of me as Ning Yanan, I can't get rid of it... Jiang Jinchen, I am... the first time... ahem!"

  Jingyan said, stumbling.

  The last few words shocked Jiang Jinchen all over.

  As soon as she loosened her hand, she immediately fell back, lying on the bedside and coughing vigorously.

   Once he regained consciousness, he immediately retreated to the bed with the quilt rolled up.

  In the middle of the big bed, as she retreated, a dark red appeared.

  Jiang Jinchen stiffened as if struck by lightning, and did not respond for a while.

  Just fixedly looking at the trace on the bed sheet.

  This is the first time. After he was with Ning Yanan, he touched another woman.

   can't tell what it's like in my heart, it makes people crazy depressed.

   "Don't worry, I will not rely on you, and I never thought of holding you responsible. Last night, I was bitten by a mad dog. You don't have to worry about anything."

  Jingyan raised her head and glanced at Jiang Jinchen, her eyes flashed, she rolled the quilt, trembling, and walked out of his room.


  Private villa.

  The breeze whipped the curtains, swaying a soft arc.

  Outside the window, the sunlight is already very bright, shining on the glass mirror, and the shiny spots are reflected on the curtains.

   "Shan Hanjie——"

  After sleeping until noon, Qin Youxuan poked his head out of the bed.

"Woke up?"

  Dan Hanjie squinted his evil eyes, and reached out and pressed her little head.

   reached her ear and whispered, "Have you been hungry after sleeping for so long?"

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