365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1213: No need to check, Shan Hanjie recognizes it

   "Miss Yu walks slowly, she won't be with her."

  Qin Youxuan raised a triumphant smile.

   turned and left.

  As soon as she walked out of the women's clothing area, she was pulled by Ning Yanan and got into the car.


  The door closed quickly, and the bodyguard was also pushed aside by Ning Yanan.

   "What's the matter? Did that woman mess with you?"

   "Just to ask this, you are just like forcing a confession, my Superintendent Ning, will you make a fuss too much?" Qin Youxuan laughed when she saw her nervous look.

   "In my eyes, your business is a big deal. There is no fuss, so let's do it!" Ning Yanan hugged Xiao Tingye, her eyes straightened and waited for Qin Youxuan to explain.

   "Take the emperor to make all the princes use it, can't I recruit, you return my baby son to me first, I'm afraid you will be shocked and throw my son down for a while."

  Qin Youxuan laughed, and took her son back to her arms before opening her lips faintly.

   "This matter should have something to do with you."


  Ning Yanan was completely stunned, pointed to her nose, and raised her head in confusion.

   "Jiang Jinchen came to the United States, you should have seen it?"


  Ning Yanan lowered her eyes, and her heart felt painful and uncomfortable when she heard the name.

  After he forced her that day, Jiang Jinchen disappeared.

  I saw him for the last time, with another woman in his arms.

  Ning Yanan remembered that it was the second lady of the Jing family, Jing Yan.

   "Jiang Jinchen was in a bad mood, and took Shan Hanjie to the pub to drink together. Shan Hanjie drank too much and hugged Yu Yueman."

  Qin Youxuan finished speaking, her eyes dimmed, but her eyes were no longer angry.

   "It just so happened that someone sent a screenshot to the villa the next day, and I had a quarrel with Shan Hanjie."

   "It's such a coincidence, it's mostly a man-made design. Have you checked those photos? Maybe they were synthesized." Ning Yanan frowned.

   "No need to check, Shan Hanjie recognized, he drank too much one day, the deodorant on Yu Yueman was the same as mine just now, so..."

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip and did not continue.

  Some things, once you mention it, you will respond once in your heart.

   "The same deodorant?"

  Ning Yanan was slightly surprised.

  Qin Youxuan nodded, "I don’t know if it’s artificial or innate. Anyway, it’s like that. You don’t want to be provocative when you become a junior. In addition to Ito Chiba, I have also seen Yu Yueman be so shameless."

  Qin Youxuan's cat eyes drew slightly.

  "I am angry not because of other women, but because I am so lonely, I can’t even tell if it’s me, but I have never thought about divorce, so I don’t want to make other women cheap."

"I agree with your decision on this point. Jie Shao cares about you very much. I believe that he will not mess around with flowers outside. On the contrary, he has a noble status and outstanding ability. Most of the flowers and plants want to lean on him. You have to be more serious. Don’t quarrel between the two couples, give others a chance."

  Ningya Nan paused, her eyes narrowed.

   "Something's wrong, so to speak, what the woman said just now seems to imply something. The person she is going to meet, isn't it Jie Shao?"

  "I don’t know. Shan Hanjie received a call to go to the consortium. It stands to reason that he should have come over to catch people when he knew I was out shopping, but he hasn’t even had a phone call.

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip, facing her finger.

  Ning Yanan saw this and did not ask any more, and ordered the driver to get in the car and **** Qin Youxuan back to the villa.


  Shan Consortium.

  Shan Hanjie was stuck on the sofa in the office, raised his eyebrows and looked at Shan Yi who was sitting across from him.

  There is no superfluous expression on the demon's face.

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