365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1216: Someone thinks I am old today

   "I'm just out of confinement, I can't sit still, huh?"

  Shan Hanjie raised her eyebrows, put her on the sofa in the living room, and touched her up and down.

  I made sure that her hands were slightly cold and her body was still warm, so she was relieved.

   "It's not shopping, why did you come back so early?"

  Dan Hanjie rubbed her small face with his big hands, and his delicate touch made him lift his thin lips.

  Qin Youxuan pulled off his hand angrily, “Hmph, I can’t wait for someone, so I had to hug my son back in a dingy manner.”

   "I'm talking about a cooperation case, and I can't separate myself."

  Dan Hanjie hugged the person on his lap, letting Qin Youxuan rest his chest.

   "It's not that I want to go shopping, can I still want me to catch you?"

   "Of course not, I just thought that if you knew that I was taking my son out, you would definitely pick me up, who knows you didn't come." Qin Youxuan rubbed her small face on his chest, and didn't know whether it was acting like a baby or complaining.

   "I thought you would go shopping a little longer, who knows how fast you can run." Shan Hanjie pinched her face, and just about to rub her little head, Qin Youxuan looked away.

   "What's wrong? Who upset you again?"

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flickered. Knowing who she met in the mall, she didn't take the initiative to say anything.

   "Shan Hanjie, I'm only 23 years old, how come I am a child's mother? I feel old all at once." Qin Youxuan held her face in both hands, her head downcast.

  Thinking about it, clenched a fist and hammered the man.

"It's your fault!"

  Shan Hanjie squeezed her fist and pressed the person on the sofa.

  Long fingers walked up her cheeks, from the corners of the eyes to the brows.

  "Have I said that after you give birth, you will have more flavor." His low and magnetic voice made people tremble inexplicably.


  Qin Youxuan felt sweet in her heart, but she was not convinced.

   "Someone thinks I am old today. I am obviously a few years younger than you. You are not old yet. How can I be old?"

   "The man is blind."

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting Zitong narrowed, opening his lips without hesitation.

  In fact, Qin Youxuan looks pure and pure like a student still on campus. If she is not with her children, no one can tell that she is already a child's mother.

  Especially the wildness on her body, she was full of youthful breath.

  I think I am old, just to find an excuse to respond to Shan Hanjie.

  Shan Hanjie clearly knew it was a trap, and he could answer with ease.

   "Miss Yu's eyes are not blind, she is only twenty years old, naturally younger than me." Qin Youxuan glanced at Shan Hanjie and threw it out lightly, waiting to see his reaction.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and he took her into his arms.

   "Unfortunately, I saw her just now when I was talking about a cooperation case in the office. What's the use of being young? She looks more than three years older than you, and you are much better than her."

   "Stop coaxing me, you guys really met!"

  Qin Youxuan slapped the man's head away, sat up, and stared at him.

   "Yu Yueman asked me to pick her a dress today. What do you think you would like my vision? Knowing nothing is good, you rushed to the consortium just to see her?"

   "The bureau set by Shan Yi, he and Yu's house are not clean."

  Dan Hanjie stared at her charming little face, her lips opened quietly.

  Some things, he didn't want her to be contaminated too much.

   But let alone, with Qin Youxuan’s cleverness, it is easy to detect that he has something to hide.

  Instead, accidents will easily happen.

   "Even Shan Yi is involved, what exactly does Yu Xiuzhun want to do?" Qin Youxuan was speechless.

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