365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1239: There are additional offers, I will not refuse anyone who comes

   "Shan Hanjie, I seem to hear the baby crying. If he doesn't drink milk for a day, he will definitely cry."

   "You think too much, he slept well and didn't look for you."

  Dan Hanjie glanced at her, grabbed her small hand and squeezed it in his palm.

   "I really heard it."

  Qin Youxuan is not at ease, always feel that there is a baby crying in her ears.

  Besides, when Xiao Tingye was full of the moon, he stayed at Ye’s house for one night, and he didn’t want to drink milk the next day.

  Qin Youxuan is now taking medicine and is afraid to feed her baby, but when she thinks that the little guy will make trouble, she feels distressed.

   "Yue's wife is well taken care of, he didn't cry."

  Dan Hanjie knew she didn't believe it, so he picked her up from the bed and carried her to the baby room next door.

  Let her take a look at the sleeping little fellow Zhengxiang.

   "So unconscionable, he hasn't seen me for a day, and he doesn't even miss me." Qin Youxuan muttered sourly.

  I was worried when I didn’t see it. When I saw it, I found that my son didn’t think about himself at all, and was very disappointed.

  Qin Youxuan finally tasted the mood of being a mother.

   Lazily leaned into Shan Hanjie’s arms and asked him to carry himself back to the room.

  After taking the medicine, Qin Youxuan quickly became sleepy.

  As soon as it touches the bed, it starts to nap.

   "Jie Shao, San Shao heard that the young lady is sick, come and have a look, people have already arrived downstairs." The butler said respectfully.

   "Young grandma is still sleeping, don't disturb."

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flickered, and stood up from the bedside, confessed to the housekeeper, and then stepped downstairs.

  As soon as I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Jiang Jinchen sitting in the living room, and the enchanting Zitong slightly squinted.

   "I thought you were on your own, even I was going to disappear."

  Shan Hanjie stepped forward, crossed Jiang Jinchen, walked straight to the wine cabinet next to him, and poured two glasses of red wine.

   Stepped to the sofa and put one cup in front of Jiang Jinchen.

   "My dad will definitely investigate this matter. You have had enough troubles, and there is no need to drag you down." Jiang Jinchen responded indifferently, which was regarded as an explanation.

   Picked up the red wine in front of him and drank it all in one go.

  The refreshing and dripping drinking method makes you feel unhappy at first glance.

  Don’t ask, only one person like Jiang Jinchen can be known to Shan Hanjie.

  Ning Yanan.

   "Your news is very fast, Qin Youxuan just fell ill, and you are here, are you really coming to see her, or are you waiting for someone?" Shan Hanjie took a sip of red wine and opened his lips faintly.

  Jiang Jinchen held the wine glass tightly, and then placed the wine glass on the table pretending to be relaxed.

  "Don’t say that I am so unconscionable. It was inconvenient before, so I have never come to you. Now I am here, but you regard me as having ulterior motives. What Qin Youxuan is also my cousin. We are related by blood."

   "I also remember that you told me before that there are too many older sisters in the Jiang family who are related to you, and you will not put it in your eyes at all for a branch that is not favored."

  Shan Hanjie glanced at him with a cold tone.

"Do you have to stop me with what I said before? You also said that you will never get married in your life. The wedding is coming soon. People are animals with affection. Now I really treat Qin Youxuan as a cousin, and care about her. Yes, as for others, there are additional discounts, and I will not refuse anyone who comes."

  Jiang Jinchen made a pun, leaned on the sofa, raised his hand and straightened his short hair, without feeling shameless at all.

   "Don't make trouble with me, it will affect her mood, I will not be polite to you." Shan Hanjie put down his wine glass, his tone was warning.

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