365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1242: Hold your heart like a demon

   "Ning Yanan, you are a godmother but let Tingye call me uncle? Then who do you want him to call my godfather? Moxiyang?"


  Ning Yanan frowned and didn't like him being so aggressive.

  Moxiyang is always involved in their affairs.

  As if she hadn’t had anything to do with Moxiyang, and she was sorry for him.

   "If you want Tingye to call my uncle, you can ask him to call your aunt first, otherwise there is no way. I will do this godfather!"


  Ning Yanan didn't think this topic was so noisy, she hugged Ting Ye for a while and looked at the cute little guy in her arms, and her heart moved slightly.

  If their children are still there, will they wait to be born? They will be so cute with Xiao Tingye.

  Whenever she thinks of this, Ning Yanan feels unspeakably sour in her heart.

   "If you want, we can have another child, even if two or three do not matter, Yaya, our baby in heaven will also hope that mom and dad can be together well."

  Jiang Jinchen saw her loneliness, and circled people into her arms from behind, with her chin resting on the top of her hair.

   Low whispering, like a kind of hypnosis.

  Ning Yanan almost became fascinated.

   Slightly shook his mind, and then pushed the person away.

   Stand up from the bed in panic, hugged Tingye and walked out.

  Want to hand over the child to the concubine, and then leave.

  She is afraid that she will be alone with Jiang Jinchen, and she will feel softened and even shaken.

  I really love a man, his every move will grab your heart like a demon.

  She couldn't stand his soft tone and pleading.


  Ning Yanan just walked to the door and ran into Qin Youxuan who had just walked out of the bedroom to go to the baby room.


  Qin Youxuan sneezed fiercely, and caught a glimpse of Xiao Tingye who was holding Ning Yanan in her hand, and quickly reached out her hand to cover her nose and turned around.

   "Why my cold seems to be getting worse, you still stay away from me, I'm afraid it will be transmitted to you."

"let me see."

  Shan Hanjie held her cheeks, looked at the red eyes and red nose, and hugged her into his arms with distress.

   "I will let people inform the fifth choice."

  Qin Youxuan's physique is not good, and the medicine prescribed by ordinary doctors has no obvious effect.

  She slept. The spirit is not good, but more tired.

  "Farewell, just a small cold. Let the quack doctor run around like this. I'm afraid he will take the opportunity to fix me and let me lie in bed for two more days."

  Qin Youxuan took Shan Hanjie's arm and acted softly.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flickered slightly, his arms tightened tightly around her, and he didn't speak.

  Ning Yanan hurriedly gave the child to the concubine, and just walked forward.

   "Why did you catch a cold well?"

   "I don't know, the doctor said it was too tired." When Qin Youxuan heard Ning Yanan's voice, she poked her head out of Shan Hanjie's arms and pulled Ning Yanan downstairs.

   Stuck into the sofa in the living room, grabbed the pillow and hugged it in his arms.

   "Why did you leave early yesterday? I gave a text message, and I called you later. I wanted you to come to the house for dinner but no one answered him. Which wild man was you with?"

  Qin Youxuan looked at Ning Yanan, and joked with urn sound.

   "Something happened temporarily." Ning Yanan's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously lied with a guilty conscience.

  "Where is she, you should ask me, we were together yesterday." Jiang Jinchen walked down from the stairs, and saw Ning Yanan's expression of guilty conscience, and generously admitted.

"when did you come?"

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