365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1271: He has started to doubt you

"One big and one small, I don’t have that blessing for such a blessing. Why dad accept Jingyan? This is also considered a marriage between the two families. Mom, I will burn the incense for you and explain to her. , After all, it’s for the Jiang family, she will definitely not blame you."


  Jiang Hao Yan's face changed and his face flushed with anger.

   "Oh, no, Jing Yan is pregnant with my child. If she marries her dad, she might have to call my third brother. This generation is so messy."

  Jiang Jinchen stretched out his hand to tidy up his collar, and looked at Jiang Haoyan who was about to be angry, the conversation suddenly changed.


   “In fact, dad doesn’t have to worry too much. After all, if Jing Yan is really pregnant, no one knows, but she is really pregnant. She is the offspring of the Jiang family, and only she knows.”

   "...what do you mean by that?"

  Jiang Hao Yan's eyes tightened, reflecting a gloomy light.

"I was drunk that day and was so drunk that I was unconscious. I woke up all night without feeling anything. I didn't check what Nature Jingyan said. I just didn't want to embarrass the two of them. I got pregnant all night. I don’t know how high the probability is, but there are always some doubts in my heart. I’m with my dad now, why don’t dad check it for me?"

  Jiang Jinchen said casually.

  In fact, he did doubt in his heart.

  He remembered that he was so drunk that day, and in a daze, he hugged someone.

  At that time, my mind was drawn, and I assumed it was Ning Yanan.

  She didn't push herself away either, she woke up when she awoke, and only felt that she had a sweet dream and could sleep with her beloved woman all night.

  Satisfied even if you just fall asleep.

  Until Jing Yan pointed to the blood on the bed sheet and told him that it was the first time, Jiang Jinchen was completely confused.

  He didn't even think about whether he really touched Jingyan when he was so drunk that night.

  Even if Jing Yan is regarded as Ning Yanan, based on his memory at the time, he is absolutely reluctant to force her.

  Why do I fall asleep in a daze, and even so coincidentally, I am pregnant...

   "Don't think that you can shirk responsibility by saying that. It's clear if it's your child after birth." Jiang Haoyan said in a deep voice.

"Why did my dad only care about whether the child in Jing Yan’s stomach is a descendant of the Jiang family, but he kept pushing me to recognize it. It’s not like your style. There’s one more thing that I’ve always wondered. Even if Jing Yan notified you in advance, how could Dad be so busy that he could come in such a timely manner."


  "In any case, I will never marry Jingyan. Instead of persuading me, my dad should go back and persuade Jingyan to die early and get rid of the child. I still have a meeting to hold. Dad walks slowly."

  The words fell, Jiang Jinchen also pushed the file on the desktop to Jiang Haoyan, tapped with a long finger, got up and walked away.


  In the hotel.

Jingyan hurriedly walked out of the room when Jiang Haoyan came back.

   "Uncle Jiang, did he agree?"

Jingyan looked at Jiang Haoyan hopefully.

   Noting the gloomy look on Jiang Haoyan's face, his heart sank.

   "Even if I am pregnant with his child, he still refuses to agree?"

  "He was not so easy to deal with. This time, not only did he not nod his head, but because he was too eager, he suspected you." Jiang Haoyan walked to the sofa with a green face.

  The adjutant next to him immediately poured a glass of water in front of him.

  Jiang Hao Yan is extremely gassy, ​​and he drank the water in one sip.

  Look at the good things his good son has done. He has been sitting in Jiang Jinchen’s office for so long, and he didn’t even have a cup of tea!

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