365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1303: Did someone embarrass you?

  "Teacher, I..."

  Ning Yanan opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain it.

"What's wrong, the matter is properly resolved, why are you still frowning? But there is no better situation than the current method. You and Jiang Jinchen are already married, and everything stated in the report letter is invalid. Kiss your husband, can't you? How can you be more nervous when you count as a misbehavior?"

   "Marriage matters... Teacher, the marriage certificate is fake." Ning Yanan bit the bullet and said, knowing that the paper won't contain the fire.

  "Fake? Who told you? When you signed your marriage report, were you sleepwalking?" the middle-aged man joked.

   Pulled out a document from the shelf and handed it to Ning Yanan.

  "This is the file that has just been brought up. Your marriage report has your autograph on it, and it was sent to the top for approval before you get the certificate. It is true. How could it be false?"


  Looking at the marriage application report in front of her, Ning Yanan was completely confused.

   After a long time, their mouths were slightly open, speechless.

"Is there anything inside? If you don’t know about the marriage, I’m afraid you’ll have to start from the beginning. Think about what’s going on. I really don’t understand. Come and find me again. I’ll have a meeting later. To open."

  The middle-aged man straightened his police uniform and took the hat next to him.

When    was about to go out, she looked back at Ning Yanan.

"Girl, I don't hide it from you. Jiang Jinchen came to me. He was with you. If this matter is tricky, he is the only one who can move his hands and feet. Instead of racking your brains, you might as well ask. He, the young couple’s affairs, always have to face-to-face to solve, don’t affect the work, understand?"

   "Yes, thank you teacher."

  Ning Yanan stood up and saluted.

   Watching her teacher leave, she slumped to the ground with the help of the table.


  Responding to the blessings of a group of colleagues one by one, Ning Yanan walked out of the police station exhausted physically and mentally.

  As soon as she walked to the parking lot, she saw a handsome figure leaning against her car.

  Narrow and long peach eyes, slightly narrowed, short flying hair, with a trace of bohemianness.

   Seeing Ning Yanan walking out of the police station, she walked up quickly.

  "Why has someone embarrassed you after going in for so long?"

  Jiang Jinchen raised his hand, just about to touch her face, Ning Yanan backed away.

   looked at him unexpectedly.

"How will you be here?"

   "I'm here to pick you up, where are you going to be here? The matter has been resolved, do you want to reject me for a thousand miles?"


   "Yaya, we are now a legal couple. No matter it is you or the baby, no one will dare to say a word."


  Ning Yanan raised her head and looked at him fixedly.

   "When did you get married?"

  I didn't even notice her, her voice was shaking.

  She never thought that she would marry Jiang Jinchen.

  When everyone said congratulations to her, she just thought it was the funniest joke she had ever heard.

   "I'll explain this to you later. Let me go somewhere first." Jiang Jinchen clasped her wrist and pulled Ning Yanan into the car.

  The car stopped in front of a commercial building, Jiang Jinchen pushed the car door and stepped on.

  Go around to the passenger seat and get off with Ning Yanan.

   didn't let her down, and went straight into the elevator holding people, all the way to the top floor.

   "Are everything I want ready?"

   "The three young masters are all ready."

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