365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1308: Come home, slap your face severely

  It doesn’t look like an ordinary apartment, but there is also a garden, and it feels like a villa.

  "This is my new villa, our new home. From now on, our family of three will live here. When you get a big belly, you will quit your job and have a baby with peace of mind."

   Jiang Jinchen said, buckling Ning Yanan's finger.

  Affectionate eyes stared at her, slowly moving from her face to her belly.

  The lower abdomen, which was still flat and could not see any curvature, gave birth to a new little life again.

  Jiang Jinchen never felt that God treated him so kindly.

   Thinking of something, his eyes dimmed.

   "Tired? Do you want to rest for a while, when you wake up, I will take you to a place."

   "Where to go?"

  Ning Yanan just woke up, she was completely drowsy at this time.

  Looking at Jiang Jinchen suspiciously.

  Jiang Jinchen curled the corners of his lips, drawing a dangerous arc.

   said nothing, pulled Ning Yanan up, hugged her and walked outside the villa.

  Until the sports car stopped outside the hotel, Ning Yanan realized that Jiang Jinchen was going to take her to meet someone.

   His expression suddenly became tense.

   "With me, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

  Jiang Jinchen pushed the car door, reluctant to walk with Ning Yanan, hugged people straight out of the car, carried her into the hotel, took the elevator, and finally reached the presidential suite where Jiang Haoyan was.

  Without waiting for them to ring the doorbell, Jiang Haoyan had received the message first and had someone open the door.

   "Three Masters."

  The adjutant stood by the door, took a look at Jiang Jinchen, and saw Ning Yanan who was held by Jiang Jinchen in his arms, and a touch of surprise flashed across his eyes.

  Ning Yanan was uncomfortable with such eyes. Jiang Jinchen disagreed with her life and death when she wanted to come down.

   was holding her in shock, and walked into the room calmly under the gazes of the bodyguards.

  Jiang Hao Yan sat on the sofa in the living room, and saw Jiang Jinchen and Ning Yanan appear, his face immediately sank.

   "Do you still have the face to meet me?"

   "Jiang Jinchen..."

When Jingyan heard that Jiang Jinchen was coming, she ran out of the room excitedly.

   Seeing Ning Yanan who was in his arms, she paused, her face changing rapidly.

  It’s so exciting.

   "I am here today. I have something important to tell you." Jiang Jinchen put Ning Yanan down, clasped his fingers, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

  Threw the two little red notebooks in front of Jiang Haoyan.

  "Yaya and I are already married, save your botched tricks!"

   "Making a fool!"

  Jiang Hao Yan's sharp eyes fell on the marriage certificate on the table, and he immediately became angry.

   "Jing Yan is still pregnant with your child, and you are going to marry another woman. Where do you put Jing's house?"

  Jiang Hao Yan's words fell, and the first person to lose his footing was Jing Yan.

  She shook her thin body, and looked at the marriage certificate on the desktop, as if she was stunned.

   reached out and took the marriage certificate in his hand, staring at it without turning.

  As if as long as she stared like this, she could lose sight of the things on her hands.

   "Is she pregnant with my child, Dad, you know best."

  Jiang Jinchen glanced at Jing Yan's stiff expression, put a bottle of medicine on the table, and the front of the medicine bottle faced Jing Yan.

  She can recognize at a glance, these are the medicines Jiang Haoyan gave her.

  Slumped down and sat on the ground.

  The strength of the whole body seems to be drained.

  Even Jiang Haoyan's expression has become unpredictable.

   "Only a bottle of medicine, what do you want to explain? Is Jing Yan not pregnant, or have you never touched Jing Yan?" Jiang Haoyan opened his lips indifferently, but looked at Ning Yanan.

   "Even if Jing Yan is not pregnant, you can't erase the fact that you have touched her. You should cherish Jing Yan more than a woman who wants to marry into my Jiang family than she is pregnant with other men's children."


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