365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1318: Let's get married together!

  The petite body came directly to Shan Hanjie's side, poked him on the shoulder, and pointed at Jiang Jinchen.

   "Is he crazy happy?"

  Dan Hanjie asked the newborn baby to call her father, she thought it was the ultimate.

  Look at Jiang Jinchen again...

Can not bear to look.

  Sure enough, there is no craziest, only crazier.

   "Someone is here, Jiang Jinchen, you get away." Ning Yanan looked at the man who was talking to the two-month-old fetus, wishing to kick him away.

   Really lost his face.

   "It's getting late."

  Shan Hanjie, who has not spoken all the time, glanced at the luxury watch in his hand, opening his lips indifferently.

  I don’t know who is reminding.

   "It's only ten o'clock, it's still early, I still have a lot to say to Yaya."

  Qin Youxuan stood up from the sofa, anxiously stepped forward and took Ning Yanan's hand.

  "I know that you have obtained the certificate. I originally wanted you to be our best man and bridesmaid. Now it is better to become the bride and groom and get married together?"

  They used to make such jokes in the girlhood.

  If you have fate and meet the right person at the right time, the wedding will be held together.

  Qin Youxuan heard that Ning Yanan and Jiang Jinchen had reconciled, and she was pregnant with a baby. She couldn't sit still for a moment, so she killed him immediately.

   "...get married together."

  Ning Yanan was startled, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Jinchen.

  They got married, which is already unexpected.

  Ning Yanan has not found the truth in this shocking news. Now that the wedding is held, I always feel flustered.

  Plus Jiang Haoyan’s opposition.

  And Jingyan in the middle...

   "Xiao Xuanzi, you let me think about it, it's too sudden, I'm not mentally prepared."

   "Okay, I won't force you, but I'm so excited to think that we can hold a wedding together. I can't wait to come over."

  Qin Youxuan shook Ning Yanan's hand.

  Different from the anxiety on Ning Yanan’s face, Qin Youxuan is entirely the happiness of the bride to be married.

   "If I can, I will be very excited."

  The two women leaned together and couldn't help but talk about the past.

  Dan Hanjie glanced at Jiang Jinchen, Jiang Jinchen nodded softly, and both of them exited the living room at the same time.

  "Can you get one?"

  Jiang Jinchen took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Shan Hanjie.

  Dan Hanjie glanced at the woman in the living room, her coquettish pupil flashed slightly, don't open her eyes.

"no need."

  Qin Youxuan doesn't like the smell of smoke on him.

  She stays by his side, and his addiction to cigarettes will disappear automatically.

   "How's the investigation going?"

  "The progress is very slow. The person Yu Xiuzun has hidden deep, not only in the United States, but also in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar where Yu made his fortune. No clues have been found."

  Jiang Jinchen took out a cigarette, just to the point, he found that Ning Yanan glanced in his direction, and then silently stuffed the cigarette back.

   Put it back into your pocket without thinking about it.

   "I have been given eyeliner, as soon as there is news, I will be notified immediately."

  "His relationship with Shan Hanxi, can you find it?" Shan Hanjie's eyes narrowed, reflecting a gloomy light.

  Even if Shan Hanxi's body could not be found, he always had a hunch that Shan Hanxi must not have died.

"Not for the time being, Yu Xiu Zhun was very mysterious before. Everything about him was mostly news released from his family. His usual residence, the city he travels to, and even the women around him have no accurate information. They are like ghosts. character."

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