365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1326: Thank me for the fifth choice

  "Smile at me. When you were pregnant, I think Jie Shao is more nervous than Jiang Jinchen."

  Ning Yanan sat on the lounge and waved to the waiter.

   "Order here."

   "What do you want to eat for both of you?"

  The waiter came up soon and asked respectfully.

   "What do you want to eat now? When I was pregnant with Tingye, I wanted to eat spicy food every day, but I couldn't eat it at that time, which made me gluttonous."

  Qin Youxuan flipped through the restaurant’s menu while asking Ning Yanan.

   "I have no appetite for anything, you choose what you like, I can order a maternity meal."

  Ning Yanan put her chin on her hands and looked out the window.

  The patter of light rain opened a curtain of mist in mid-air, making everything hazy, especially artistic.

   Shifting her gaze down, she glanced at the familiar figure outside the window, Ning Ya Nanzi's pupil tightened.

  "Xiao Xuanzi, do you think that person is Ye Mingmei?"


  Qin Youxuan, who was studying the menu, was taken aback, and quickly turned to look out the window.

  Only a second, the people outside have gotten into the car.

  Qin Youxuan only had time to see a back, and with the rain and fog blocking, even the back was blurred, and she couldn't see anything at all.

  "Who is she with? I didn't see Ye Mingmei, but saw the shadow of a man. Ye Mingmei has a boyfriend?"

  Qin Youxuan orders a good meal, closes the menu, and hands it to the waiter next to it.

   "She is your sister in name, even you don't know how would I know." Ning Yanan sighed.

  She also had such a shocking glance, and it was really surprising that she saw an acquaintance.

  Ning Yanan tilted her head and thought for a while, suddenly flashed something in her mind, and suddenly raised her head.

   "I remember, that figure just now is very familiar, it seems to be Yu Xiuzun."

  Ning Yanan straightened up and her expression became serious.

  "When I investigated Shan's earlier, I found that Shan's had some black transactions overseas, involving Southeast Asia, and the grounds where Yu's made his fortune were in those places. In order to follow up the case, I investigated Yu's."

  Yu Xiuzhun is too mysterious, Ning Yanan investigated for a long time and found nothing.

  There are not many people who can make her so frustrated, so she is very impressed.

  "Have you remembered correctly? How did Ye Mingmei and Yu Xiu Zhun be together..."

  Qin Youxuan frowned.

   "It is also possible that I misunderstood."

  Ning Yanan thought for a while, but no.

  At the glance just now, it was too vague to see clearly.

  Yu Xiuzhun is who they all know, how could a daughter like Ye Mingmei have anything to do with him.

   "What you ordered is delicious, let me see."

  Ning Yanan took the menu from Qin Youxuan and glanced at it.

   "Don't patronize the food, you haven't told me your decision yet, do you and Jiang Jinchen want to have a wedding with us?"

  Qin Youxuan took the menu from Ning Yanan and looked at her eagerly.

   "I'm going to be a bride, who will be your bridesmaid?"

  Ning Yanan picked up the water glass and took a sip.

   "Rui Wei, anyway, she and Fifth Chosen must come to the wedding. Letting them be the best man and bridesmaid should give them a chance to get in touch with each other. Maybe Fifth Chosen would like to thank me."

  Qin Youxuan took it for granted.

  The charming little face is a joy that cannot be concealed.

  Now she really feels very happy.

  Love her husband, lovely son, after the wedding, her life experience will be exposed, she can openly call Ye Zhanxing’s father in front of everyone.

  Qin Youxuan has never been for a moment, like now, grateful for fate.

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