365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1328: A decision that will never be regretted for a lifetime

   "Let me see if you hit anything? Why did you fall down well?"

   "Mom, I'm okay, you don't need to be nervous, but you accidentally tripped." Ye Mingmei stood up and reached out and rubbed her knees.

   "The knees are all swollen, let the doctor come over and see, in case you fall a bone."

  As soon as Su Yiru was about to make a call, she was caught by Ye Mingmei, her eyes were a little red.

   "Mom, I'm really fine."

"what's happenin?"

  Su Yiru flushed her eyes when she saw her, a little anxious.

   Seeing that Ye Mingmei wanted to say something, she glanced at the servants around her and told them all to go down first.

   pulled Ye Mingmei and went back to her room.

   "Did something happen? Tell your mother."

  Su Yiru took a tissue and wiped her tears.

"I'm fine." Ye Mingmei shook her head uncomfortably, and said helplessly, "I know Qin Youxuan is about to get married, and her father has only one biological daughter, so she will definitely not be wronged, but if her father recognizes Qin Youxuan, What about mom?"


  Su Yiru did not expect that she would suddenly say this.

  There was some silence for a while.

   Ye Mingmei looked at her, "Mom, if Qin Youxuan is the eldest lady of the Ye family, would others laugh at you?"

   "Mingmei." Su Yiru took her hand and put it on her lap. The mother and daughter sat face to face.

"There are some things that my mother may never tell you. I used to avoid that you don't know your life experience. I was afraid that you would think about it, so I never dared to mention it. Thinking about it now, my mother should let you know what I think. "

  Su Yiru looked at Ye Mingmei who was stunned, and smiled softly.

   Reached out and touched her daughter's increasingly beautiful face.

  He was very pleased.

"Your father is a man upright and upright. I have never seen a man more responsible than him. In this life, even if I can't be a real husband and wife, I have never regretted everything I have done for him. I can accompany him through this period. I am already satisfied."

  Su Yiru's eyes flickered, floating water.

"You are still young, you may not understand. I have watched your father guard an unreachable relationship for a lifetime. I have been thinking countless times in my heart, if you can make him happy, even if it is my happiness, I Also willing."


  "Youxuan is your father’s salvation. They can recognize each other as father and daughter. No one is happier than mother. You don’t need to worry about me. I still have you and won’t be overthrown by public opinion. You are the motivation of mother, you know?"

  Su Yiru looked at Ye Mingmei, who became more and more calm, and patted the back of her hand.

   "Mom, I feel sorry for you."

   Ye Mingmei hugged Su Yiru and couldn't help crying.

  "People are contented, things that do not belong to oneself. You must know how to give up and not bear so much in order to live more easily and brightly."

"I know."

  Ye Mingmei wiped her tears, and laughed at Su Yiru.

   "The pear flowers are raining, my mother feels distressed."

  Su Yiru held her face and carefully wiped away the tears for Ye Mingmei before she evoked a smile.

  "Mom is going to try on the wedding dress with Youxuan in a while, do you want to be together?"

   "I'm not going anymore, I'm afraid she will be upset when she sees it." Ye Mingmei shook her head and took Su Yiru's arm, "Mom, go, I just have a plan to see."

   "Okay, don't work hard, take your time, don't get tired."

   "I see." Ye Mingmei nodded obediently, urging Su Yiru to leave.

  Until Su Yiru's figure disappeared by the door, she lowered her eyes, turned out the phone, and dialed a call.

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