365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1335: Forget old love when you have a new love


  Qin Youxuan sighed silently.

  No wonder Jiang Jinchen was dragged away by Shan Hanjie as soon as he arrived.

   "Where's Rui Hua? Why isn't she a bridesmaid yet?" Qin Youxuan looked for her for a while, but did not see Rui Hua, but found Ye Mingmei standing next to Su Yiru.

  Qin Youxuan was startled slightly, then raised her lips and nodded towards her.


  Ye Mingmei said in a low voice, as if she was afraid that Qin Youxuan would be unhappy. After Daoxi, she went out first.

  Only Qin Youxuan and Ning Yanan are left in the lounge, plus Su Yiru who is holding Xiao Tingye.

  Outside the door is a uniform bodyguard in black.

  Dan Hanjie used a lot of manpower to **** him for today’s wedding.

   "With my bridesmaid here to accompany you first, what else are you dissatisfied with? If you have a new love, you will forget my old love, I hate you." Ning Yanan wore a little white dress and raised her hips and complained.

   then smiled again.

   "It is said that the plane is late. Rui Wei and Fifth Chosen, the best man and bridesmaid, are going to be late."

   "Just in time."

  Qin Youxuan smiled, took Ning Yanan's hand, and touched her lower abdomen.

"There will be crowds for a while. I'm afraid there will be a banquet after the ceremony. You are too tired to be pregnant with your baby, so let Ruihua also be the bridesmaid. It can also be considered as a chance for the fifth choice. Later, when the bride throws the bouquet, you Remember to help me find Ruihua's location."

   "Are you like you who are both a bride and a matchmaker? Don't worry too much." Ning Yanan joked, holding her hand.

   "Xuanzi, are you nervous?"

   "No, I don't know how long I have been waiting for this day. If Shan Hanjie doesn't marry me again, I will take my son and leave home to find a better one!"

  Qin Youxuan's face was shy, and her mouth was hard.

   "Yes, yes, you are not nervous at all, I am nervous." Ning Yanan teased her, and when Qin Youxuan relaxed, he called the makeup artist to fix her makeup.

  "It’s too boring inside. I hold Tingyedu’s yard to breathe it out. It’s only a few steps away. When the auspicious time arrives, people can call me.

  Su Yiru coaxed the little guy in his arms. Seeing that Qin Youxuan had no objection, he hugged Xiao Tingye and walked out to the courtyard outside the lounge.

"To be honest, you don't know what good luck you have gone, even your stepmother is so good, so you are still willing to promise your father to welcome you back to Ye's house so openly. If I have this kind of luck, I guess I will dream at night. Will wake up with laughter."

  Ning Yanan watched Su Yiru walking into the yard while coaxing Xiao Tingye with a look of affection, and couldn't help sighing.

   "Aunt Ru's life is very simple, except for her father, which is a design she likes. She doesn't like socializing, so naturally she has no such thoughts. To be honest, I also think I have good luck."

  Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes raised and chuckled.

  Since her mother did not wait for her complete love, she must have been pleased to see a woman in heaven taking care of her most beloved man.

  Qin Youxuan did not understand before, but now she understands how happy it is to be with the one she loves.

  Time is neither too early nor too late, you just stop at the intersection I will pass through in life.

  Holding my hand when I was lost.

  The most beautiful love is not vigorous.

After    is a long stream, it still doesn’t feel dull.

  Because of me.

  Because I have you.

  Because of us, together.

  Qin Youxuan's eyebrows are curved, her cat eyes are full of happiness at the moment.

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