365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1345: If it's just a dream


  Qin Youxuan looked at the man who was about to pull the trigger, her petite body slammed directly into the glass door.

  The whole person was lying on the glass door, patted the glass door frantically.

   "Shan Hanjie, don't do this to me, don't hurt my father, don't...ah!"


  Dull gunfire sounded in the confined space.

   Accompanied by Qin Youxuan's heartbreaking cry.

  I don’t know when, the confined space has been opened, and Qin Youxuan can clearly hear gunshots in his ears.

   Then, watching Ye Zhanxing's heart bloomed with a blood flower, he completely closed his eyes.

   "No, this is not true, it must be me dreaming, it must be..."

  Qin Youxuan stared straight at the cat, holding his head in both hands, and stepped back uncontrollably.

   tripped his foot, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted.


  Shan Hanjie threw down the gun, and just about to step forward and pick up Qin Youxuan, remembering something, he stopped abruptly.

   His eyes fell to the last room, and he rushed up quickly, kicking open the cubicle connected to the conference room.

  Xiao Tingye quietly lay on the table covered with white cloth, his delicate pink face turned red, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of crying for too long or because of strong light.

  The small fist was tightly clenched, the tears from the corners of the eyes were condensed on the long eyelashes.

   Quietly like a porcelain doll, with no undulations in her chest.

  Shan Hanjie choked on his chest, as if he was pressing the Qianjin Ding.

  For a moment, there was nothing but a blank in his mind.

   was sluggish for a few seconds before stepping forward and reaching out to touch the little guy’s nose.

   Perceives the baby's weak breathing, his fingertips tremble slightly.

   quickly picked him up.


  As soon as the table lost weight, a terrifying beep immediately sounded.

  Shan Hanjie's nerves froze, something flashed in his mind, and he quickly lowered his head and glanced under the table.

   Seeing the time bomb inlaid on it, the pupil tightened.

   Hugging Tingye and walked out quickly.

   took off his jacket and tied his son to his chest, Shan Hanjie picked up Qin Youxuan on his back and ran out quickly.

   took their mother and son to the grass outside the abandoned building before stopping.

   Looking back at the building that was about to explode, Ye Zhanxing's face flashed in front of him, and he glanced down at Qin Youxuan in his arms.

  A faint light flashed across the monster's face, gritted her teeth, laid their mother and son flat on the grass, and rushed back into the building...


  A deafening noise, thick smoke billowing from the building.

  The sound of the wall collapsing, with desperate grief.

  The screams, running, and ambulance whining around are endless.


  Qin Youxuan had a dream.

  In her dream, she wore a gorgeous wedding dress with a swaying skirt, letting her favorite dad walk on the red carpet of the church step by step, arm in arm.

   walked towards her most beloved man.

  A solemn oath under the witness of God and all relatives and friends.

"Qin Youxuan, are you willing to marry Shan Hanjie as your wife, become one with him in front of God, love him, comfort him, respect him, and protect him like you love yourself, whether he is sick or Healthy, rich or poor, stay loyal to him until you leave the world?"

  "I would like to..."

  Qin Youxuan seemed to be able to imagine the happy smile on her face when she said these three words.

"I do not want to."

  Shan Hanjie's cold voice suddenly exploded in his ears.

  She watched as he let go of her hand, took out a gun, pointed it at her chest.

   Pull the trigger without hesitation.

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