365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1348: You are talking nonsense, you are all talking nonsense

  Yun Xiuzun’s voice sounded from outside the ward, and the long figure walked in, with an arrogant aura, she glanced at Qin Youxuan who was on the verge of collapse.

   "Because the man you love so much is to use you from beginning to end. His purpose is to kill Ye Zhanxing and occupy the Ye family's wealth, and you are the best stepping stone."

   "You bullshit!"

  Qin Youxuan's cat squinted, looking at Yu Xiuzun in disbelief.

"Are you talking nonsense? You can ask the man next to you. He knows best if he hates Ye Zhan. He wants to get rid of it and then quickly. After all, thank you. If it wasn't for you, he would punish Ye Zhan. How could it be possible to get into the trap of others so easily."

  Yu Xiu Zhun raised his hand, and immediately moved a chair with the person next to him.

  Yun Xiu accurately hooked the corners of his lips, sat down in front of the two of them, and raised Erlang's legs coolly.

  "Since everyone is here, then I will help you recall a past event more than 20 years ago about the cause of the death of President Ye."


  Yu Xiuquan said, Shan Hanjie turned his head and gave him a cold look, and his pupil tightened.

  The hand on the side of the body, silently clenched into a fist.

   Reasonably told him that people should stop Yu Xiuzun’s mouth.

  He hid the secret for so long, he didn't intend to let Qin Youxuan know.

  His cat, as long as he stays by his side, a carefree life is fine.

   But for Shang Qin Youxuan’s disbelieving eyes, he knew it was impossible.

  The paper window has been stabbed open, and the paper cannot contain the fire after all.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

  Qin Youxuan raised her head from Shan Hanjie's arms, reached out her hand and wiped her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"It is said that Ye Zhanxing is a big-looking hypocrite. For the sake of superiority, even his best friend can calculate. Who knows that the retribution of the cycle of heaven is unhappy, he is finally planted on the evil he made, do you think he deserves it? ?"


"Even before the Shan family fights, the Ye family is already in crisis. In order to **** resources, Ye Zhanxing designed Shan Rong. He asked him to drink a drink and sent it to a bar waiter's bed, but he informed him the next day. Shan Yi, let Shan Yi’s master mistress design the Shan family to go to the ward round. Guess, guess, how exciting is that scene?"

  Yun Xiu quasi tilted his head, and tapped the armrest of the chair with his long finger.

   "The worst thing is that the innocently affected waiter, a nasty transaction, affected a girl with tricks at the time, are you right, Jie Shao."


  Shan Hanjie glanced at him, his eyes full of blood.

  The muscles of the body are tense, like a full bowstring, which will break at any time.

"More than that, even the waiter and her son will be brought back to Shan's house. It was Ye Zhanxing's deliberate arrangement. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence and the huge crowd, their mother and son will be the head of Shan's house. The mother met, you say, is he damned?"

  Yuan Xiu paused, staring directly at Qin Youxuan, who had been completely unresponsive.

   "No, my father is not such a person, you are talking nonsense, you are all talking nonsense..."

  Qin Youxuan shook her head, and desperately shrank into the bed, her petite body curled up into a ball, staring at Shan Hanjie with dull eyes.

   caught the flash of hatred in his eyes and shocked suddenly.

  Dan Hanjie hates Shan Rong because of his mother’s death.

  He was detained in a mental hospital for so many years, and because of that accidental encounter, Ji Moyi brought him back to Shan’s house. If it was really Ye Zhanxing’s design...

  Qin Youxuan was agitated all over, and her back felt cold.


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