365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1351: Ruihua doesn't eat this set

  Fifth Chosen put down the potion, glanced at Xiao Tingye who was crying in the hospital bed, and signaled Rui Wei to pick him up.

   "I noticed the red blood streaks in Tingye's eyes, but I'm not sure how big the impact is. Will it really affect his vision when he grows up?"

  Rui Wei asked uneasy.

  Her medical skills are not as good as Fifth Chosen, but they are not bad.

  This is also the reason for her nervousness.

   "No one can guarantee how long a person can live healthy. I am only responsible for treating him as best as I can now. After he grows up, he will not be in my control." Fifth Chosen opened his lips almost cold-blooded.

  Don’t ask, Rui Wei immediately gave him a big eye.

  "Fifth Chosen, if your child is now lying on the hospital bed, will you still be so calm? Comparing your heart to your heart, you can’t be more polite when you speak?"

   "I won't let any woman give birth to my child, so I won't feel the same way. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

  Fifth Xianxian took off the sterile gloves on her hand and threw it aside, cruelly curling her lips.

   "If anyone doesn't like my attitude, they don't need to find me, I'm very busy."

   "Ting Ye is Jie's child, so can't you serve snacks?" Rui Wei angered.

   "If he is not Jie's son, I will throw him out now." Fifth Chosen sneered, showing no signs of joking on his face.

  He can't stand the cry of the child the most, and he can bear it so far, it's all because the stinky boy in front of him had a good baby.


   Rui Wei met his cold gaze, guarded the little guy in his arms, and sighed silently.

   "Sure enough, humans and cold-blooded animals can't communicate smoothly. It's better for me to go directly to Jie. I'm afraid Jie will be **** off by you."

  Ruihua lightly patted the little guy in his arms, and saw the little guy starting to hold his fist and put it in his mouth, kicking the fifth Xianxian.

   "Go to make some milk powder, Tingye is hungry."

  "Should I make milk powder?"

  Fifth Select Xian pointed to his nose, and looked at the woman who used him as a confinement sister in a daze.

   "I don't have time to hold Tingye, there is only you a big living person, isn't who you are?"

   Rui Wei looked straight and confident.

  I didn’t think it was great to ask him to make milk powder.

  Fifth Chosen dares to be so arrogant. First, he has arrogant capital, but in Rui Wei's eyes, there is another very important reason, which is that there are too many people holding him.

  The more he takes him seriously, the more he takes himself as the same thing.

  She Ruihua doesn’t eat this set.

  I have taken care of the three-six-nine series since I was young.

   "Let him be hungry when you have no time."

   Fifth Chosen put the equipment beside him into his medicine chest, glanced at Rui Wei from the corner of his eye, and was unmoved.

   "If you dare to make Tingye hungry, I will hold him to sleep next to you at night, crying and waking you up every two hours for you to breastfeed, I don't believe you can sleep!"

   "If you want me to kill him, try it!"

   "I'm really not afraid of death, try and try, whoever is afraid of whoever is afraid of others, I die, it is called heroic justice, and Jie gives me revenge, you die, you take the blame, deserve it!"

  Ruihua straightened her chest, and her enchanting eyebrows were stained with anger.


  Fifth Xianxian's eyes fell on her chest, and the corners of her mouth evoked a wicked smile.

  The monster pupil flashed, Rui Hua suddenly had a bad feeling.

  Sure enough, the next sentence of Fifth Chosen was, “The **** are quite big. You can feed any milk you take off.

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