"As long as I think of my son with your blood, I feel sick. Why do you think you killed my dad, and I can be with you if nothing happened, and give birth to children for you? Shan Hanjie, I want to eat your meat and drink your blood!"

  Qin Youxuan saw the man’s ugly look, and he became more reluctant to speak.

  It seems that only this way can I make myself feel better.

  Two people have entered a dead end, and the only way to get out is to hurt each other.

   "Enough, stop talking."

  Shan Hanjie stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and folded his fingers together.

  "Have you ever thought about what you would think when Tingye grew up and knew what you said?"

  "When you killed my dad, did you think about him? That was his grandfather!" Qin Youxuan wanted to get rid of his hand, but Shan Hanjie pressed her chin tightly.

  With constant force of fingers, Qin Youxuan's chin turned red.

   "I told you to stop talking, did you hear that!"

  Shan Hanjie handed the son in his arms to Yao, forcibly beat Qin Youxuan sideways, and walked outside the Ye family villa in strides.

   "Shan Hanjie, what are you doing, you let me go, I don't want to go back with you."


  Su Yiru heard the movement and ran downstairs, and saw Qin Youxuan, who was in her arms by Shan Hanjie, and hurried forward.

   "If there is something you can't say well, you have to do it."

"Step aside!"

  Shan Hanjie looked at Su Yiru who was in front of him, and the demon's face immediately sank.

   Without waiting for her response, she pushed people away and hugged Qin Youxuan out of the living room.

   "Take the young master to another car."

  Shan Hanjie closed the door, dropped the lock, and quickly walked around to the driver's seat.

  Along the way, Qin Youxuan was so excited that he wanted to grab the steering wheel countless times, but he grabbed both hands firmly.

  Qin Youxuan was very angry, like a wild cat with its tail stomping on, and his claws were lit up, and he bit a few deep teeth marks on his arm.

  Until he returned to the private villa, Shan Hanjie did not let go, pushed the car door straight, dragged her out of the car.

   dragged the person back to the bedroom.

   "Shan Hanjie, you go away..."

  Qin Youxuan's petite body was pressed under him, almost out of breath, with a small hand against his chest.

   Contacted with the familiar breath of men, her emotions became more and more excited, and she struggled desperately.

  Dan Hanjie easily grabbed her hands, Qin Youxuan groaned in pain.

   "Shan Hanjie, what do you want me to do before you let me go..." Qin Youxuan burst into tears, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes.

   Tears rolled down the corners of her eyes and into her hair, Qin Youxuan turned around and curled up into a ball, like an insecure child, hugging herself tightly.

   "When I see you, I think of my father, that's my father..."

  Qin Youxuan covered her face with her hands and couldn't cry.

  The cry of sorrow, like a knife, lingered on the man's heart.


  Dan Hanjie could not say a word of comfort except for holding her tightly and not letting go.

  From the moment he shot, he thought about the worst result.

  Everything now is better than he expected.

   But he overestimated his ability to bear.

  Everyone's abuse and spit, he can ignore it, only she...

  Qin Youxuan was tired, and soon fell asleep.

  Even breathing sound came from my ear.

  Shan Hanjie slightly propped up, staring down at the person with teary and long hair in his arms, his enchanting Zitong tightened.

  Long fingers crossed her delicate cheeks, turned over and sat up.

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