365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1370: Can't you hear or see?

   "Nothing, I suddenly felt that this matter should not be too rash. It is better to wait a few days for the police investigation results to come out before discussing the ownership of the estate."

   "Mom, what did you say?"

Ye Mingmei glanced at Su Yiru in amazement, holding her hand heavy, and lowered her voice, "This is the general meeting of shareholders. Finally, we have the upper hand, and we will delay it. It will be difficult to push Qin Youxuan to the top next time. Up."

  Not only Ye Mingmei was surprised, but Qin Youxuan's eyes flashed slightly when she saw Su Yiru.

  Su Yiru’s attitude changed one hundred and eighty degrees before and after, and Qin Youxuan would not think that she had a sudden brain twitch.

  The problem must be the text message just now.

  Just now in a meeting, Qin Youxuan can't ask about a text message, just staring at Su Yiru.

  The cat's bright eyes are filled with inquiry.

  Su Yiru took a deep breath, did not look at Qin Youxuan, but looked straight at the shareholders present.

  "I want to postpone the handling of this matter. I don't know what your opinions are?"

"I agree."

  The Ye family uncle cousins ​​who opposed Qin Youxuan just now all agreed.

  They don’t know what happened, but Su Yiruken standing on the same line with them is undoubtedly beneficial and harmless.

   "Although the group cannot be left without an owner for a day, it may be more dangerous to elect a president at random. Everyone has to think twice."

  Hearing this, the shareholders in the room glanced at each other.

  "We also agree that this matter is the Ye family's housework, but if it is not handled well, it will involve the entire group. We trust Mr. Ye as a person and hope that Mrs. Ye can give us some confidence."

The major shareholder headed by    stood up, nodded towards Su Yiru, and stepped away.

  The people in the conference room are walking out one by one.

  Qin Youxuan sat in her place with a calm and indifferent expression.

  Until there were only four people left in the conference room, Su Yiru looked at Ye Mingmei, “You send Lawyer Huang out first. I have something to say to You Xuan alone.”


   Ye Mingmei glanced at Su Yiru hesitantly, and seeing her face unhappy, he quickly signaled Lawyer Huang to leave with her first.

  There were only two people left in the conference room. Su Yiru's eyes flashed, and he walked to Qin Youxuan with his mobile phone.

   "I was asking you once, how did your dad die?"


  Qin Youxuan twisted his eyebrows and looked up at Su Yiru.

   "Aunt Ru, it is for this that you temporarily postponed the shareholders meeting?"

"Is this not enough? The Yip Group is your father's lifelong effort. He wants to leave it to you. I will not have any opinion, let alone covet it, but if it is related to his death, I will never let it go. Regardless of."

  Su Yiru's face sank, like the tranquility before the storm.


  Qin Youxuan was silent for dozens of seconds before faintly opening her lips, “I have already said that I was shut outside the glass room, and I don’t know what happened inside.”

   "Can't you hear or see? That's your father!"

  Su Yiru threw the phone on the desktop, and the flashing photos on the screen made Qin Youxuan's pupils shrink.

  "What else do you want to say now? It was Shan Hanjie who killed your dad. You actually hid it for him. Your dad didn't die of the explosion at all. He was shot to death by Shan Hanjie!"


  Qin Youxuan shook her body, stepped back subconsciously, hit the chair, and made a bang.

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