365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1377: You are the one who involves others


  Qin Youxuan shook her body, kicked her heel to the coffee table, and made a harsh sound.

  Looking at the man who appeared suddenly, a trace of panic flashed under his eyes.

   "Let me see Tingye."

  Jin Chenye's face was calm, he glanced at Qin Youxuan, who had an ugly face, and opened his lips faintly.

  This sentence can be regarded as an explanation.

   "I came to see my son empty-handed?"

  Dan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, brushed Qin Youxuan's side, and took the small Tingye in her arms.

  The little guy knew that it was his father, and his little pink mouth opened and closed, and he was talking.

  I don’t know if I’m too happy or complaining.

  The little tongue sticks out from time to time, trying to bite his little fist.


  Shan Hanjie stared at him, and let out a low noise.


  The little guy chirped his little mouth, as if he knew that he was disgusted, slumped his little mouth, and put down his little hand.

  The pink and tender little face slid into Shan Hanjie's arms, and only one eye was exposed to look at Jin Chenye.

  The thief's small eyes are a bit mischievous.

   Two faces, one big and one small, are close together, and even Jin Chenye has to admit that Shan Hanjie's gene is powerful.

  Xiao Tingye really looks like him.

   "I thought he wanted anything, you would prepare it, and I don't need me to intervene." Jin Chenye's warm eyes flashed, and his lips opened indifferently.

   "Since I know, I shouldn't be here."

   Shan Hanjie’s words were unceremonious.

  Qin Youxuan wants to leave him now. His son is the only favorable bargaining chip in his hand. If he adds another Jin Chenye to disrupt the game, he doesn't know how much he has left.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dimmed, reflecting a dangerous light.

   "Since I am here, I have a reason to come."

  Jin Chenye smiled, lifeless from start to finish, well-trained, and behaved like a gentleman.

  "My brother came to see me, do I have to get your approval? Let's go." Qin Youxuan couldn't listen, and took Jin Chenye's hand to go out.

  In normal times, Shan Hanjie is jealous, she will be very cautious.

  But now, Qin Youxuan can't think of a reason to accommodate him.

  If possible, she just wants to leave here with her son now.

  Even if she can't do it, there is no need to involve others because she is wronged.

  "You? Qin Youxuan, don't forget, I am your husband."

   "It won't be anymore soon."

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes tightened and bit her lip.

   "If you step out of this door today, I will never give you a chance to see your son again in my life."

   "Ting Ye is also my son, why do you use him to threaten me?" Qin Youxuan roared.

   looked at him incredulously.

  "A mother who would leave her son and other men away?" Shan Hanjie looked at her with a sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.


  Qin Youxuan took Jin Chenye's hand loose, letting his hand slip from his palm.

   "Why do we have to involve others in our affairs? You never admit that it is your own problem." Qin Youxuan looked weakly at the man in front of her, her eyes flushed.

   "You are the one who drags others in."

  Shan Hanjie's thin lips opened slightly, and he paused.

  Looking at Jin Chenye’s gaze was cold.

  From the look in Jin Chenye's eyes, Shan Hanjie was sure, no matter how many years passed, he didn't give up.

  "Xiaoxuan, I still have something to deal with, and I will see you another day." Jin Chenye didn't say much, didn't even explain for himself.

  'S warm eyes flashed, turned and left.

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