The opportunity is not to be lost, Rui Hua quickly lowered his head, moved his cheek to his mouth, and proactively pressed the little guy's lips.

   "Ting Ye's first kiss is mine. It's really a memorable moment."

   Rui Wei pointed to the drool mark on his face with a look of excitement.


  Qin Youxuan was dumbfounded by her act, and she felt bored, as if she was also evacuated.

   glanced at Shan Hanjie in the living room, and handed the child to Rui Wei, "I have something to do, go out first."


   Hearing this, Shan Hanjie was the first to twist his eyebrows.

   raised her head, looking at her with displeasure.

  She avoids him, has she avoided even the children?

   "Xiao Xuanzi, we are here to check Tingye's eyes, don't you worry?"


  Qin Youxuan paused, then looked back at his two-month-old son, her heart squeezed sharply.

  That is her son, how could she not worry.

   "I will apply medicine to Tingye's eyes for a while. It's a bit uncomfortable. He will definitely cry. If my mother is not there, it will be too pitiful." Seeing her hesitate, Rui Wei said again.

  While speaking, she winked at Fifth Chosen and asked him to answer the conversation quickly.

  Fifth Select Xian glanced at her, lifted the medicine box, and walked to the guest room on the first floor.

   "Come and two people, press Tingye for me, I want to do a vision test for him."


Qin Youxuan bit her lip as soon as she heard the words of Fifth Zexian, and walked back to Ruihua, took Tingye from her, and followed Fifth Zexian into the guest room.

  This is the baby she gave birth to desperately, no matter whose son Ting Ye is, it is her darling.

"Jie, what are you doing while standing? I'm a doctor, but I can't do the work of a nurse. With my father and mother, Tingye is more powerful." Rui Wei glanced at Shan Hanjie and saw that he was standing still. , Can't help but urge.


  Dan Hanjie glanced at her coldly, "Don't use the same set of coaxing women to coax me."

  The stalwart body turned, stepping up to keep up.

  The large guest room was cleaned up before, leaving only a small operating bed.

The table next to    was full of equipment needed for inspection for a while.

  As soon as Xiao Tingye entered the guest room, as if he had noticed something, he burst into tears.

   "There is a smell of disinfectant in the room. This villain knows that he is about to get an injection, so he cries quickly." Fifth Chosen glanced at Xian and raised his lips.

  The evil smile made his indifferent expression even more inaccessible.

  "Put the child on the operating bed, hold down his hands and feet, and don't let him move."

   "He is crying so hard, can't you wait?"

  Qin Youxuan is holding her crying son, where is she willing to let go.

  "Women’s benevolence, he is so arrogant that you are reluctant to take it, so he can change his arms."

  The fifth Xianxian looked at Shan Hanjie who had just entered the guest room.

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting child pupil flickered slightly, stepped forward, and took his son from Qin Youxuan's arms.

   "You still have to get an injection until the end of crying. It's done early, and the pain will pass. Dad is here.

  Dan Hanjie's deep voice carried a trusting peace of mind.

   Looking down at the tearful little guy, he hesitated for a few seconds before putting him on the hospital bed.


  Xiao Tingye whimpered, his little arm swayed twice in mid-air, and found that no one wanted to hug him, so his tears disappeared.

   Blinking her big crystal eyes, then her small mouth.


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