365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1393: I immediately closed the newspaper!

   vanished for a while.

  孬 species!

   "Bring me today's newspaper."

  Qin Youxuan glanced at the secretary and bit her lip.

  Since the wedding was cancelled, she has never read the newspaper again.

  Can't bear to see the wedding I was waiting for, and it ended in tragedy.

  I was even more afraid to see the report about the explosion in the newspaper.

  "Miss Qin, you don't have to take what the manager said, that..."

  The secretary stood by the door a little hesitantly.

  "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, you go get me a newspaper." Qin Youxuan looked at the secretary and repeated it again.

  The secretary left the office respectfully, and soon took the newspaper over.

  "Miss Qin, I put the newspaper here. I will go out to work first."

  The secretary glanced at Qin Youxuan and quickly found a reason to leave.

  Qin Youxuan picked up the newspaper, caught a glimpse of the big headline on it, and tightened his fingers.

   Sharp nails, almost crushing the newspaper on his hands.




  Shan Hanjie kicked on the table and threw the newspaper in his hand to the ground.

  "Seal! Buy this newspaper for me immediately, and immediately block it for me for such reports!"

   "Jie Shao, don't be angry. Your subordinates have already asked them to deal with it as soon as possible. New reports will not come out again. They are only on sale. I am afraid there is no way to recover them. I don't know if the young lady has seen it.

  Yao Jian picked up the newspaper on the ground, and his eyes flickered.

   News that popped up overnight.

  I made a detailed analysis of that century wedding and the death of Ye Zhanxing.

  The report shifted all the responsibility to Qin Youxuan.

  She lost her mother when she was young because of disaster.

  As soon as he was about to recognize his father, Ye Zhanxing had an accident, which is the best proof.

  In the report, Qin Youxuan is completely a broom star, and everyone close to her will be affected by her.

  Some people even predict that if Shan Hanjie does not divorce, he will be the next hapless person.

  "Find out the person who wrote this report. I want him to have both hands!"

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting Zitong flashed a **** light, and got up from the chair.

   Grabbed the car key and strode out.


  Qin Youxuan sat quietly in the chair, not knowing how long she had been sitting.

   As if numb, the cat's eyes were staring at the newspaper in his hand, but there was no reaction at all.

  The charming little face is pale, like a transparent piece of paper.

  I haven’t blinked for a long time, my eyes are sore and uncomfortable.

  She has not dared to move.

  Fearing that tears would flow down in the blink of an eye, she raised her head desperately.

   "Jie Shao, Miss Qin said that no one wants to see..."


  The secretary's voice has not fallen yet, and Shan Hanjie has broken into the office.

  The enchanting Zitong is fixed on Qin Youxuan's body.

  The secretary saw that Qin Youxuan did not speak, so he leaned over and hurriedly backed out.


  Qin Youxuan opened her mouth, trying to drive him away.

  Hui moved his lips, but found that he couldn't say a word.

   Before she recovered, her petite body had fallen into the broad arms of the man.

   "Those reports are all nonsense, you don't have to believe a word."

  Dan Hanjie held her firmly in his arms distressedly, pressed her big hand on the back of her head, noticed the wetness in her chest, and stiffened her body.

   "It's all because of you, it's all because of you, Shan Hanjie, I hate you, why did you kill my dad..."

   "I am not a broom star, I am not..."

   "You give me back my dad, you give me back..."

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