365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1412: One trick of Bai Shi Bai Ling


  Qin Youxuan didn't expect that he would think so, so she was stunned and shook off his hand.

   "You are indeed inferior to him, he never pushes me like this." Qin Youxuan took a deep look at him, and stopped robbing her son, turned around and walked outside the villa.

  "Since I stay here and see my son, there is no need to stay."

   "Wow -"

  The little guy in Shan Hanjie’s arms suddenly cried, as if he felt that his mother was leaving, and waved his little hand sadly.


  Qin Youxuan's heart tightened suddenly, turned her head and glanced at her son.

  The heart that said that he would leave, shaken instantly.

   walked back a few steps, and stopped at Shang Shan Hanjie’s deep black eyes.

  A few steps away, he looked at the little man in his arms greedily.


  The baby’s temper came and went quickly. He woke up from his sleep, cried twice, and then stopped again.

   Nestled in Shan Hanjie’s arms, weeping.

  With a small face directed at Shan Hanjie's chest, he opened his mouth and bit his shirt.

   A posture of being hungry and wanting to drink milk.

  Qin Youxuan caught a glimpse of the little guy's movements, and her chest rose very much.

  I really want to step forward to hug my son, kiss his little cheek well, and tell him that his mother misses him very much.

   Thinking of the dispute between the two just now, Qin Youxuan did not have the courage to step forward.


  After biting a few times, there was no milk. The little guy squashed his mouth and was about to cry.

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, stepped forward, put the child in Qin Youxuan's arms, turned around and went to the study.

   "The baby won't cry."

  Qin Youxuan hugged her son like a treasure, coaxing softly.

   raised his head, only had time to see the man's stalwart figure disappear in front of his eyes, and the bright cat eyes were covered with a layer of gray.

  After a quarrel, the two people who were already grudged became more and more silent.

  Qin Youxuan did not go out all afternoon.

  Fearing that Shan Hanjie would not let her see her son again, she kept holding his son and did not let go.

  Even the son fell asleep, he was still in his arms.

  "Mother, the dinner is ready, let the little master give it to the nanny first." The butler knocked on the door respectfully.

   "No, I'm not hungry and don't want to eat."

  Qin Youxuan's eyes flickered, and she looked down at the son in her arms with a gentle smile.


  The butler hesitated for a moment, and retired respectfully.

  It didn't take long, but then went and returned.

  "My grandmother, don't talk about it. If you don't eat, the young master can only sleep with the nanny at night."


  Qin Youxuan held her son's arm stiff, and looked up at the housekeeper in shock.

  Hui moved her lips, trying to say something, and then held back.

   reluctantly put his sleeping son on the bed.

   "Let the nanny come and watch, don't let him wake up no one around, Tingye will be afraid." After Qin Youxuan explained, she walked to the closet, took a set of clothes, and went into the bathroom.

  After taking a shower, she put on comfortable home clothes and slowly dried her hair before going downstairs.

   Originally thought that she had been so long, Shan Hanjie should have been impatient and left after eating.

  Who knew he was still sitting at the table, sipping red wine elegantly.

  The dishes in front of me, none of the chopsticks have been moved.

  Qin Youxuan is no matter how stupid, she understands that he is waiting for her.

   couldn’t tell what it was like, stepped forward, sat down in his seat, picked up the tableware and started eating.

  A meal, eating silently.

  After finally eating, Qin Youxuan put down the tableware and can’t wait to return to the room to accompany her son.

  "Go and see if the young master is awake, hug him down." Shan Hanjie calmly opened his lips and ordered to the housekeeper beside him.

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