Dan Hanjie was left hanging aside, staring at the forehead of her son that she had kissed.

   Secretly gritted his teeth.

  It doesn’t matter, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting Zitong flashed, reaching out to turn off the light.

  In the middle of the night, Qin Youxuan slept in a dazed manner, feeling instinctively surprised with her hands wrapped around her waist.

   Less than a second, relax again.

  There is a son between them, Shan Hanjie will not mess around, she must be dreaming.

  Dreams, Shan Hanjie hugged her tightly, his thin lips pressed against her cherry lips, passionate.

  Qin Youxuan wanted to kick him, but couldn't make any effort.

  One night, Qin Youxuan was disturbed and could not sleep well.

  Until dawn, the whole person was groggy.

  The sun was shining outside the window, and the two people on the bed were sleeping.

  The jumping sunlight passed through the curtains, shining into the room, dazzling and irritating.

   "Why didn't you draw the curtains."

  Qin Youxuan muttered unhappy, and habitually kicked the man next to her.

   fell, and the man beside him moved as expected.

  At this time, Qin Youxuan's dull mind was able to react.

  The ignorant cat blinked, looked at the man who held her firmly in his arms, and then glanced at his long-lost son, his face sank suddenly.

   Just about to get angry, I caught a glimpse of the bright sky outside, and my heart shook.

"what time is it?"

  She is going to court today. Don’t be late.

  Qin Youxuan bounced off the bed suddenly, unable to even ask Shan Hanjie what was going on last night, and rushed straight into the bathroom.

  Brush your teeth and wash your face in a full set, and it takes less than ten minutes.

   rushed to the closet, changed into a formal suit, and rushed downstairs with a bag.

  Downstairs, Shan Hanjie is wearing a loose nightgown, holding his son in a leisurely suit while feeding milk.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan go downstairs, Jie Hao's eyebrows slightly picked.

  "Time is too late, eat breakfast before going out."

"I'm not hungry."

  If possible, Qin Youxuan didn't even want to talk to him, but she just walked to the door when she was stopped by someone.

   "Shan Hanjie, what do you mean?"

   "I don't like you always taking my words as your ears. If you are in a hurry, you'd better listen to my arrangements."

  Shan Hanjie slowly took the empty bottle away from his son's mouth, and then handed the child to the nanny next to him.

  Pick up the knife and fork calmly and gracefully, and start eating breakfast slowly.

  The opposite of him belongs to Qin Youxuan's position. The same meal has already been arranged.


  Qin Youxuan glanced at him, resisting his temper, walked to the table.

  Pick up the tableware and start to eat breakfast quickly.

  Even the milk at hand was drunk until the bottom was reached before putting the cup down.

   "Can I go now?"

  Qin Youxuan was patient, and asked calmly.

  The court will be held in half an hour. If she is late, it is tantamount to giving up her right to defend. It is not her who decides what the judge will decide when the time comes.

  The most important thing is that the evidence in her hand has not been sent out yet!

   "I remember every time you went out, you would kiss goodbye with me." Shan Hanjie pointed to his thin lips.


  Qin Youxuan stared at his face, her cat's eyes narrowed.

   hesitated for a few seconds, turned his head and glanced at the time, stepped forward, and lowered his head close to his thin lips.

  I tried several times, but couldn't kiss anymore.

  The scene of Shan Hanjie pointing a gun at Ye Zhanxing flashed in his mind, and his heart was throbbing.

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