365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1421: Mention your dad and play the family card

   "Then do you agree?"

  Qin Youxuan's petite body sat on the sofa with a trace of anxiety in her eyes.

  She knew that this request was a bit excessive.

  Jin Chenye has already taken the MC Group to leave the Ye family. It was really selfish to ask him to come back to help at this time.

   But if you leave it to others, Qin Youxuan is not at ease.

  "Why not find Shan Hanjie. With his ability, it is not a difficult task to manage the two groups at the same time." Jin Chenye's eyes were calm and he didn't make waves.

  Even the tone of speech seemed very peaceful, without the slightest provocative meaning.

   "I don't want him to help me, and my dad doesn't want his murderer to manage the group for him."

  Qin Youxuan lowered her eyes, her eyes lonely.

  It's not that she didn't know that the most suitable candidate was Shan Hanjie, but she couldn't persuade herself to accept his help.

   What's more, there is also Su Yiru. If the Ye family really let Shan Hanjie manage it, she is afraid that the first person who does not agree is her.

  There may be someone else behind the design of Ye Zhanxing, but the person who shot is Shan Hanjie, there is no doubt about this.

  This hurdle, I am afraid that they will not be able to pass.

  "If you feel embarrassed, I will myself..."

   "Nothing to be embarrassed, I'll help you." Jin Chen interrupted her, opening his lips lightly.

   Picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

  The eyes are calm.

   "I originally came here this time, not just to look at you. MC Group intends to expand its business in Europe and the United States. I can help you and investigate the market by the way.


  Qin Youxuan did not expect that he would agree so simply, her eyes widened unexpectedly.

  "I am really going to help you a lot now. When will I invite me to dinner and treat me as a hero in advance?"

   "Anytime." Qin Youxuan blurted out excitedly.

   "Including now?" Jin Chenye looked at her with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

  Qin Youxuan immediately knew that she had been tricked.

   "You know that the old guys who cannibalize people and don't spit out bones are waiting for me now. If I leave now, I guess the conference room will be lifted."

   "Since this is the case, the meeting time has come, and you are still sitting here, are you afraid that someone will be held accountable for a while?" Jin Chenye smiled.

   There are many old shareholders of Ye's. Just come up with one, and the qualifications are not shallow. It is not easy to deal with these people.

  "Who asked them to make things difficult for me last time? It was because I was young and didn't understand anything. If I kept letting them, after I took over the group, I still don't know how many people were waiting to bully me."

  Qin Youxuan spit out angrily, but no anger was seen in his eyes.

   "I know how to think so, it seems I don't need to worry too much about you for too long." Jin Chenye's deep eyes are like lakes that have been frozen for thousands of years, with a crystal luster in the dim light.

  "The way of doing business is actually the same as being a person in the world. People respect me and I respect others. If the opponent is too aggressive, you must know how to fight back so that you won't lose yourself."


   "I know that there are several senior shareholders who are loyal to your dad. If you want to increase the right to pass resolutions at the general meeting of shareholders, from these few people, mention your dad more and play the family card."

  Jin Chenye pulled out a list from the side, which was the registration form of all major shareholders of Ye's, and pointed out the names of the above.

   "These few happen to be the worms of the Ye family, you have to learn to beware, and..."

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