365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1425: How do you know if you don't try it?

   "Since you are leaving, it means that you have given up this family and me and my son. Would you care if you take one more look?"


  Qin Youxuan never thought of giving up her son, this is the child she gave birth to desperately, her life.

   "Shan Hanjie, don't force me, you know Tingye can't do without my mother, and I can't do without him, you let me take him away, okay?"

"You can't do without him, you can give up on me at any time, right? Qin Youxuan, is it because I am too tolerant of you that you will challenge my limit again and again? You want to see your son every day, yes, stay After coming down, our family of three is still the same as before, forgetting all the unhappy things and starting again.

  Shan Hanjie stepped forward and reached out to clasp the back of her head.

   lowered his eyes, "You said, you will always be by my side, you forgot, huh?"

"I can not do it……"

  Qin Youxuan stepped back, but Shan Hanjie controlled her body, unable to advance or retreat.

  "How do you know if you don't try it?" Shan Hanjie said in a deep voice, a storm raging under his eyes.

  "We just showed off our love in front of the media, and you moved back to Ye's house in a blink of an eye. What will the public guess? Once there is a rumor, it is difficult not to be affected by Ye's current operating status. Don't you worry?"


   Seeing Qin Youxuan's face hesitating, Shan Hanjie pressed her into his arms.

   "Cat, don't leave me, my son and I need you."


  Qin Youxuan's body was stiff, and she raised her hand, trying to push him away, but couldn't make any effort.

  Close his eyes weakly.

  "It’s too late. From the moment my dad died, we couldn’t do it anymore, Shan Hanjie, let’s be apart for a while and let each other calm down..."

  "If you want to calm down, you can stay calm in the villa. I won't force you, but leave. Don't even think about it!" Shan Hanjie declared domineeringly.


  The little guy in Shan Hanjie’s arms was caught between his parents, not knowing what had happened, and smiled heartlessly.

  The little fat hand grabbed Qin Youxuan's long hair and stuffed it in his mouth again.


  Qin Youxuan has quick eyes and quick hands, and hastily grabbed his hand, and hugged her son in her arms with distress.

  "Hungry, are you hungry, mother hug."

  Qin Youxuan hugged her son and walked a few steps toward the gate, and someone stepped forward to stop her.

  Dan Hanjie has been standing not far away, looking at her fixedly.

  Qin Youxuan gritted her teeth, knowing that she could not go, so she could only take her son back to the bedroom to nurse.

  Shan Hanjie looked at her compromising figure and let out a long sigh of relief.

  Dark eyes.

  The thing he worried about finally happened.


   Ye Family Mansion.

  A farce-like lawsuit ended, Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei moved back.

   "Have everything packed? All important documents must be collected. If you lose it, you will be in trouble on the road." Su Yiru looked at Ye Mingmei who was about to pack her luggage and warned with anxiety.

   "Mom, I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore, don't worry about me so much." Ye Mingmei crouched in front of the closet and turned around and saw Su Yiru.

  "When you grow up, you are also a child in the eyes of your mother. How can a mother not worry about her daughter." Su Yiru smiled gently.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei, who is becoming more mature and sensible, apart from gratification, she is more distressed.

  It is said that it is necessary to go through hardships to grow better, but the hardships experienced by her baby are stains that can not be erased for a lifetime.

   "Mom, thank you."

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