365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1432: Young master can only stay in the villa

   didn't even care about the wet long hair, he just curled up in the bed, wishing to wake up, all this was just a nightmare.

  Nothing happened.

  Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

  The same person who can’t sleep is Qin Youxuan.

  In the dimly lit bedroom, only an orange wall lamp is still emitting a soft light.

  With the lessons learned from the previous time, Qin Youxuan did not believe Shan Hanjie's words this time, and watched Xiao Tingye beside him with his eyes open all night.

  I was afraid that Shan Hanjie would let her take the child away when she fell asleep again.


  Unlike other children, the little guy next to him woke up from hunger, but did not cry, and made a babbling sound with his mouth open.

  Waving her small fist, she seemed to find that Qin Youxuan was also looking at him, and her soft hand stretched towards her mother.


  As soon as Qin Youxuan found that her son was awake, she quickly turned on the bedside lamp and picked him up.

  "Hungry, are you?" Qin Youxuan glanced at the time, poked the corner of the little guy's mouth with her finger, and couldn't help being amused when he saw him quickly stick out his tongue to lick.

   "Little cat."


  As if knowing that Qin Youxuan was talking about him, the little guy narrowed his mouth unhappily, and kept rubbing his face against Qin Youxuan's chest.

  Qin Youxuan smiled and hurriedly fed him milk.

  Looking at his son who was fed and drunk quickly and fell asleep, Qin Youxuan kept holding on to her.

  Finger touched his son's tender cheek, bowed his head and kissed him.

   raised his head, he met Shan Hanjie's deep black eyes, and was slightly startled.

   After a few seconds, he put the child down and lay down.

   Reach out and turn off the bedside lamp.

  In the darkness, she could also feel the man’s hot-hot eyes, Qin Youxuan rolled her body uncomfortably and forced herself to ignore his existence.

  Tossing over and over again, I can't sleep at all.

   Finally, until dawn, Qin Youxuan fell asleep in a daze.

  Less than an hour, I woke up again.

   Turned his head nervously to look at the location next to her, and made sure that her son was sleeping well next to her, Qin Youxuan breathed a sigh of relief suddenly.

   looked up again, Shan Hanjie was no longer there.

  Qin Youxuan's cat eyes flickered for a moment, and she was completely drowsy.

  Cleaned up briefly, this time without even carrying any luggage, he hugged his sleeping son and went downstairs.

  "Miss grandma, good morning, breakfast is ready." When the butler saw her, he immediately greeted her respectfully.

   "I'm not hungry yet."

  Qin Youxuan dodged her eyes, holding the little man in her arms, and walked into the yard.

  As soon as he walked near the gate, the butler hurriedly chased him up.

   blocked her way, "Miss grandma, where are you going with the young master?"

   "When will I report my whereabouts to you?" Qin Youxuan scowled, and made a deep voice, pretending to be sulky.

  The butler hurriedly bowed in panic, “The subordinates didn’t mean that. It’s just that Jie Shao confessed. Grandma can go wherever she wants, but the young master can only stay in the villa.”


  Qin Youxuan's eyes widened in surprise.

  She deliberately waited until he went out, just to take her son away.

  Shan Hanjie gave the order one step earlier.

  "My grandmother, the young master is still young. At this time, whether it is the absence of a father or a mother, it will be a kind of harm to the child." The housekeeper persuaded with all his heart.

  Qin Youxuan glanced at him, but couldn't hear anything.

  This villa is owned by Shan Hanjie, and the people immediately will naturally speak nice things for him.

   Has anyone ever thought that the person who died was her biological father.

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